Scottsdale Bio-identical Pellet HRT For Women Helps Insomnia & Night Sweats!

Sep 21, 2024

Tired of suffering from night sweats and hot flashes? Get Well Scottsdale (+1 480 607 6503) offers bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapies to help ease your menopausal symptoms.

Insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes - your menopausal symptoms are no fun! You don't have to live with the discomfort, though - relief is available with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) from Get Well Scottsdale!

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Bio-identical pellet hormone replacement sessions at the health clinic can help treat insomnia, night sweats, depression, anxiety, muscle weaknesses or aches, pain during intercourse, and vaginal dryness in women.

Symptom Relief

Other symptoms of menopause that can be treated with the bio-identical HRT sessions include nervousness or irritability, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and decreased libido.

A recent report from the National Institute of Health shows that between 75-80% of women who go through menopause experience vasomotor symptoms, which include hot flashes, heart palpitations, migraine headaches, and night sweats. With an integrative approach that takes your whole body into account, the team at Get Well Scottsdale uses bio-identical hormone replacement therapy as part of a personalized treatment plan to help you feel better.

Optimized Care

“Unbalanced hormones play a huge role in determining your energy levels, how you feel, your mood, and more,” says a clinic spokesperson. “Optimizing hormonal balance can be life-changing experience for many of our clients.”

Hormone replacement therapy with pellets provides a customized dose for what your body needs, which is determined with a simple blood test. Once the correct dosage has been established, pellets deliver bio-identical hormones into your bloodstream every day, with treatment protocols typically lasting around five months.

In contrast to more conventional methods of HRT, such as patches, shots, creams, or pills, the pellets provide a continuous supply of hormones that your body recognizes as being similar to its own. This helps prevent common HRT side effects, like nausea, headaches, or skin rashes.

Help For Men & Women

While many of the patients seeking bio-identical HRT from Get Well Scottsdale are women, the therapy is also available for men who are going through andropause and who may experience symptoms like low libido and muscle weakness.

Previous patients have positive reviews for Dr. Nicole Marcotte and the rest of the qualified team at Get Well Scottsdale. “Dr. Nicole is absolutely amazing,” says Shadrach M. “I really like her broad base of knowledge. Everything she has done for me has been life-changing - I can’t express enough how effective she is. Very professional and very fair prices.”

Reach out to the Get Well Scottsdale team today to start your bio-identical HRT treatment!

Find more details and book a consultation at

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