Sherrine Washington, sales strategist and founder of Real Talk Sales Consulting LLC, introduces dental practice owners to her proprietary revenue-generating secrets in a new e-book: “Rapid Case Acceptance In Dentistry: The Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid Leaving Big Money On The Table,” available now!
As a dentist running your own practice, you know that case acceptance is a critical component of your business's success. You strive to provide your patients with the best possible care and treatment options, but sometimes, even when presented with the most compelling treatment plan, patients may hesitate or decline. This can result in lost revenues for your practice which can then impact growth and sustainability.
Sherrine Washington, master sales coach, is here to help. Her new e-book, "Rapid Case Acceptance In Dentistry: The Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid Leaving Big Money On The Table" set to launch in tandem with this year's National Small Business Week (NSBW) activities, offers invaluable insights and strategies that can help you convert five-figure cases on the same day of consultation.
Get actionable tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes that dentists make when presenting treatment options to their patients to help you boost your case acceptance rates and improve your practice's profitability.
With Sherrine's expertise and her many years of experience in dental business marketing, her e-book is a must-read for anyone looking to take their practice to the next level.
Don't let missed opportunities leave money on the table - invest in Sherrine Washington's "Rapid Case Acceptance In Dentistry" e-book and start converting more cases today.
Learn how to double your revenues in 30 days or less, at
A cognitive behavioral therapist, Sherrine Washington has adapted the insights and skills she honed in the field of psychology to fuel a successful sales coach consultancy and her proprietary methodologies known as the Real Talk Selling System.
Sherrine says there are 10 key mistakes dentists often make that compromise client acquisition. With the release of her new e-book, Sherrine introduces you to a number of fundamental business strategies, including effective target market communication, active listening, and demonstrated empathy around client fears and apprehensions, to help you increase case acceptance rates for improved revenues.
“Most dentists are leaving revenue on the table every day. Many spend thousands on leads with little payoff and others struggle with disorganized patient flow and pipeline management,” says Washington. “My e-book teaches practice owners how to convert clients who may be sitting on the fence, and how to double their client acquisition rates within days.”
Sherrine's sales methods are not dependent upon where you are in your business journey and can therefore be implemented immediately to help you and your team convey absolute expertise and elicit client trust.
She helps with same-day sales building by introducing you to important client relations strategies, including the involvement of patients in their decision-making process and effective treatment plan follow-ups that encourage appointment scheduling. Sherrine also assists with the development of available resources you can provide to potential patients to help them feel more informed and less afraid of required procedures.
With National Small Business Week activities set to launch April 30th, owners of dental practices have an opportunity to learn more about the strategies that lead to a thriving enterprise. With the newly available “Rapid Case Acceptance in Dentistry: The Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid Leaving Big Money On The Table,” Sherrine helps you boost your client acquisition rates for a dramatic increase in profitability.
Get a step-by-step guide to improving your client acquisition rates and start experiencing the business growth you've been aiming for.
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