
Seniors Build And Maintain Muscle Mass To Support Joints With Sunwarrior Protein

Jun 6, 2020

Maintain your muscle mass, stability and strength as you age by reading the latest report on Sunwarrior protein published by Get In Shape Seniors so you can prevent falls and muscle wasting.

Are you getting older and finding that you're losing muscle mass?

Do you find it harder to maintain your stability?

Do you have less strength?

If you answered yes to these questions, then Get In Shape Seniors, a health site for older people, can help you.

Having just released a Sunwarrior report on the need for higher protein intake as individuals age, Get In Shape Seniors defines how your body requires more protein to support your joints and maintain your muscle mass so that you don't experience falls.

The Senior Protein Intake Sunwarrior report highlights that as you age, you lose muscle mass and strength. The report also acknowledges that aging joints need to be supported by healthy, strong muscles and that it is essential that as you age that you exercise and eat a balanced diet to maintain muscle mass, stability and to reduce falls and bone breakage.

To develop and maintain muscle mass states the report, as you age, you need to consume more protein than you did when you were younger. The recommended daily allowance for protein, according to the report, is just .8 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, the Harvard Medical School, states the report, recommends that the daily intake for seniors who exercise (resistance training) should be between 1 to 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Based on the information published by the Harvard Medical School, the report suggests that a 175-pound gentleman who exercises needs approximately 79 to 103 grams of protein daily, compared to the recommended daily allowance of just 63 grams. The more exercise this man does, suggests the Sunwarrior report, the higher his protein intake needs are.

Get In Shape Seniors is a site that aims to educate individuals on how they can maintain their health as they age. The website is a powerhouse of health, fitness and dietary advice backed by research and scientific evidence, so site visitors feel empowered to take control of their everyday living and to make positive changes to their lifestyles.

When asked about the Sunwarrior report, a representative for Get In Shape Seniors said, "As you age you really don't think about your protein needs changing, and yet, this is extremely important to keep you active and improve your strength and stability. We are all guilty of taking our health for granted, but you have the power to change this by taking a look at this report, and others that we have on the website."

To find out more about Get In Shape Seniors and Sunwarrior visit: https://getinshapeseniors.com/seniors-need-more-protein. When visiting the site, you can learn more about the report, maintaining better health, and aging.

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