SEO Alternative to Increase Patient Acquistion for Your Pasadena Dental Practice

Jun 26, 2024

Grab new patients’ attention as early as possible in the patient acquisition cycle with My Tooth Media’s SBO (Search Box Optimization) program for Pasadena dentists and orthodontists!

ASearch Box Optimization to Grow Your Pasadena Dentist Practice

Does your Pasadena practice deserve more attention? With My Tooth Media, you'll get it! This dental marketing agency will boost your organic traffic and get the patients to line up with their Autocomplete Optimization Program!

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With My Tooth Media as your partner, your online visibility and organic search rankings will skyrocket! By utilizing the autosuggest tool through SBO, the marketing agency will help you attract more high-intent leads and grow your practice.

Increase Organic Traffic Without SEO

Considering that over 70% of Google searches use the autosuggest tool, optimizing this feature has the potential to significantly increase dentists' organic traffic.

"Up to now, in order to truly compete, you would have to SEO yourself to the top of page one and pay for every click from your customers in a pay-per-click campaign. Now you can bypass the competition, eliminate pay-per-click and own the entire organic search results," a company spokesperson said.

Fast Results With SBO

While organic rankings and traffic are usually associated with SEO, My Tooth Media's Autocomplete Optimization Program offers several advantages to traditional SEO and PPC. With SEO, it typically takes 6-8 months before businesses attain one of the top spots on the first SERP. My Tooth Media's SBO methods take approximately 60-90 days before clients start appearing in the autosuggest droplist of search engines like Google, Bing, and YouTube, making it an efficient alternative to SEO.

Smart Patient Acquisition Strategy

When a patient sees your clinic appear in the autosuggest field, it will signal authority and have a positive effect on the acquisition cycle. When they click on the suggestion, your clinic will appear in up to all ten organic spots on the first SERP, eliminating much of the competition.

A client shared a testimonial: "We opted to get as many keyword phrases as possible so we could own the search market. We are extremely happy. They deliver the results they promise."

More Marketing Services

The California-based dental marketing agency offers its program on a national or local level and will give you exclusive rights to the keyword phrases of your choosing. In addition to the Google Autocomplete Optimization Program, My Tooth Media provides other marketing solutions, including a lead nurturing and converting chatbot and Google Local Service Ads.

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