
Shining a Light on a Race War

Dec 24, 2020

Do you blow off the concept of a race war? If so, take a more in-depth look at what you may be missing.

Do you believe America is heading for a race war? It’s one of those questions that a lot of people seem to be afraid to answer. Even mentioning the idea can get you branded as a paranoid, a crank. Some are tempted to laugh it off, and indeed a lot of proponents of race war in the US lack gravitas. But, you’ll notice that most of them are heavily armed and belong to large groups that advocate for genocidal war against non-whites. If you pay attention—and I strongly encourage all Americans to start paying more attention to this threat—you will see some disturbing trends.

Concerns about the potential for an American race war led me to create a video, Race War Paradox, which is now on YouTube. The video takes a hard look at some uncomfortable realities and potentialities in America today. The goal of the video is to provoke thoughts and stimulate productive dialogues that enable non-whites to prepare themselves for a war that is closer to happening than most people might imagine.

Is it crazy to ponder an internal American war where a white army undertakes to slaughter, enslave or deport non-white people? I think it’s necessary to at least think the matter through in a sober way. Wishing the issues away is not a workable defense strategy. I believe it’s essential to shine a light on constructs that enslave mankind. If we do not challenge things that we have been taught and led to believe, we will be vulnerable and perhaps even complicit in our own destruction.

Take Charlottesville. This ugly 2017 episode has faded from view, surpassed by myriad racist outrages and acts of violence over the subsequent years. However, Charlottesville deserves our attention, even now. If you’ll recall, that was a weekend when thousands of neo-Nazis and KKK supporters swarmed into Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the removal of a statue of confederate/slave-owning/modern Southern hero Robert E. Lee from a public park. Screaming “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and Soil!” (a favorite saying of Adolph Hitler’s), they demonstrated their passionate and well-documented desire for North America to be exclusively ruled by the white race.

There were numerous confrontations between the two groups over the course other weekend.  The violence culminated with a white supremacist driving into a crowd to kill people he thought were advancing the interests of blacks at the expense of whites, killing a woman in the process. How did the public react? According to an ABC survey, 22 million Americans supported the marchers.

The president of the United States, who has repeatedly tweeted that a civil war is coming, said there were “fine people on both sides” of the issue. He has reaffirmed this assertion since then, saying that armed white protesters, waving swastika flags and nooses as they threatened elected officials in Michigan in 2020 were “good people.” He praised Henry Ford, America’s most notorious Jew hater, as having “good blood lines.” I would say he knows his audience. This stance sends a deep and troubling message.

Let’s think about that for a minute. 22 million white people are just fine with racist killings and the belief that America is for whites only. We should not shy away from these threats because we have been taught not to question authority. We may subconsciously fear retribution, but unfortunately, retribution is headed our way whether we want it or not. In the minds of the gathering white army, we face retribution for being “uppity” and demanding equal rights and economic prosperity. The Civil War did not end in 1865. Jim Crow did not end in 1965. The war continues, under new guises. We need to be ready.

The contours of the coming race war are easy to see, if you know what to look for. There are about 234 million white people in this country and 134 million non-whites. The 22 million whites who approve of the KKK mostly believe that North America was given by God to white European Christians.

They consider themselves the “True Americans” or “The Real Americans,” as a prominent Republican once called them. They believe that anyone who is not in this category is “occupying” their land—their soil, which they imagine they have given their blood to acquire. (Don’t tell them, but they spilled Black and Native American blood to get it, but that’s a story for another day. Also, let’s not tell them that there really is not such thing as a white person—that before the modern moment, multiple white groups such as Catholics, Protestants and Mormons hated and slaughtered each other in this very country of ours.)

Our bitter, violent divide between white and non-white Americans has gone on for centuries, and it’s about to explode. Now, a significant sub-group of white Americans are forming an army of their own to “take back” their land from the “occupier.” This army is not quite real yet, but it’s no mirage, either. We are witnessing the formation and consolidation of militias into what I call “The True American Army” or TTAA. This is an emerging force that could comprising tens of millions of white people.

Preparing for the race war is exceptionally complicated, however, but do not be caught without a plan. While it’s important to acknowledge that not all white people think this way, of course, most white people have the luxury of sitting out the potential ethnic cleansing of Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Jews and others whom these people see as illegitimate residents of the country.

This race war could play out in many different ways. In my video, I highlight four likely scenarios. They aren’t pretty. But I ask, And then what…? It is way past time for Blacks and other non-white groups to come to grips with this sensitive but seldom analyzed subject. Though the idea of “race war” is a frequent talking point for various groups in the US, few have truly explored what such a war might look like and assessed its implications for millions of Americans.

The video takes on this challenging task, offering insights and commentary on a matter that might soon be more relevant than a lot of people want to admit.

To view the video, go to https://youtu.be/oLvobsnfh8g

Happy Holidays and God Bless America. 

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