Southlake Functional Medicine Clinic Employs Mind-Body Health Techniques

Mar 16, 2024

Western and Eastern medicine converge at the Natural Healing Center (817 310-0393) near Southlake, TX, where Dr. Rodney Russell and his team use a range of conventional and holistic tools to see what other doctors don’t — a symphony of mind, body, and spirit.

Dr. Rodney believes the human body has the innate ability to heal itself — if only we can remove the obstacles and restore balance. He doesn’t treat any two patients the same — because you are unique!

The Natural Healing Center utilizes cutting-edge methods and ancient holistic methods to identify the root cause of your illness so you can begin your healing journey. Want to learn more? Just go to

Functional Medicine

Dr. Russell’s approach to healing is called Functional Medicine.

Conventional medicine recognizes your symptoms, identifies an illness, and the doctor develops a treatment plan. The treatments work, as long as you continue the medication.

On the other hand, Functional Medicine treats the person instead of the symptoms. Diseases such as auto-immune conditions, cancer, or fibromyalgia, the team contends, are only the surface manifestation of altered physiology below. In almost every case, the cause is some kind of dysfunction, interference, deficiency, or imbalance of the body’s systems.

Dr. Russell embraces Faith-based concepts in his approach to wellness and the belief that true health is to be found in returning the body to its natural, harmonious state.

Passion Meets Compassion

The team can test for almost anything at the Natural Healing Center — offering blood chemistry tests, autoimmune panels, and genetic testing. They can do hormone, stool, hair, and even live blood analysis!

Among the therapeutic techniques you can expect to experience at the Natural Healing Center are red light therapy, dry-needling, and individual massage.

At your first appointment, Dr. Russell or Dr. Augustyniak will take an in-depth look at your health history, including any past lab tests or medical records. They’ll evaluate symptoms and your family history, as well as diet and lifestyle. Then, they’ll work with you to build a treatment plan that identifies — and treats — the actual underlying cause of your issues.

The team at the Natural Healing Center includes practitioner Dr. Julia Augustyniak, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Michigan State, and Amy Christenson, personal trainer and licensed sports and medical massage therapist. Barbara Dickenson, a licensed massage therapist who holds a Bachelor's Degree and an Associate Degree in Applied Science, is another core member of the team.

The team at Natural Healing Center in North Texas has a powerful mission: to bring complete wholeness and everlasting change to all of their patients.

About Dr. Rodney Russell

A transformative figure in the field of natural medicine, Dr. Russell has been called a visionary for his ability to transcend the physical and dive into the tapestry of emotions, beliefs, and past traumas that influence your being. A distinguished Diplomate with the College of Physicians, and an esteemed Fellow with the American Association of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Rodney has a BS in Human Anatomy and a Doctorate in Chiropractic from Parker University. His expertise extends to Functional Medicine, Total Body Modification, and the Neurological Organizational Technique. He’s also a licensed commercial pilot and flight instructor.

Want to learn more about Dr. Rodney Russell and the incredible team at the Natural Healing Center? Start your journey back to real health by visiting

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