
Posts Tagged: "bus"

jab we met

15 Things You Will Come Across While Travelling By DTC Buses. #9 Is So Funny And True.

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When was the last time you travelled by bus? Well, with the Delhi Metro expanding its web, the number of people commuting by bus may only have reduced. But, there are still many places that the metro hasn’t reached yet. It is the humble DTC bus that many people still...

A Guy Met With An Accident On The Road. None Cared To Take Him To The Hospital. What Happened Next Will Shock You.

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Around 12 pm near Trivandrum, Kerala, a man on the bike was mercilessly hit from the back by a speeding bus. The guy became unconscious and was lying in the middle of the road for 10 mins. Can you believe? I said 10 mins. Did anyone come to help him?...