
Posts Tagged: "girl"

All Daddy’s Girl: Here Are 16 Reasons Why Your Father Is The Best Man In Your Life

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You are always your daddy’s little girl no matter how grown up you are. You are greatly influenced by your father starting from an infant to a  toddler, from a teen to a lady. The special bond you two share is just incomparable. Remember that moment when you rush to...

15 Signs He’s Perfect ‘Indian Husband Material’

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The quest for the perfect man remains elusive as you never know what exactly it is that would describe him! Here’s a list of attributes that he must tick off to fit the bill. 1. He draws a monthly salary above Rs 1 lakh and works in a big MNC....

15 Things Every Daughter Should Inherit From Her Mother

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The relationship that a mother and daughter share is very special. Every mother waits for a daughter so that she can pass on her special skills, secrets and recipes to another generation. Here are some other things that a daughter wishes to inherit from her mother. 1. Beauty In every...

14 Stupidest Things Indian Men Do After A Breakup

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Indian men are absolutely ‘tigers’ during bad moments. But, if you really want to know the real super Indian men, you should never forget to look at their heart-breaking time. It seems their big heart beat like a hammer when they break up. Here are some astounding captured moments of...