
Posts Tagged: "khan"

18 Hilarious Memes That Perfectly Describe How Bollywood Logic Works

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*** This post was originally published in 2016 but has remained one of our top posts ever since. That’s why it is worth sharing it again. Yes, it’s all about entertainment and there are awesome Bollywood movies too. Here are some really funny memes that truly describe what ‘logic’ means to...

12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Today’s Bollywood

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I know some die-hard Bollywood fans are going to hate me for this. But let’s accept it. Most of today’s mainstream Bollywood movies are all garbage, full of ridiculousness, and are too embarrassing for kids. The last time I watched a good Bollywood movie was many years ago when actors...

shil pashetty

See How These 19 Bollywood Celebs Used To Look Like. Some Are Unrecognizable!

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Who doesn’t want to stay the same- young, charming, dynamic with the unwrinkled face. But, sadly, that is not possible. We never realize we are getting old until we find an old picture taken years back while cleaning the shelf. Simply, no one can escape ageing. Our Bollywood stars are...

Try Not To Laugh At These 13 Hilarious Photos Of Indian Guys Caught Staring

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Men will be men. Yes, of course they stare at women, and it’s perfectly normal. But, anything that happens untimely does not give a fair result. Some men can’t resist and stare at women accidentally at the wrong moment and it can cost them a lot with many paparazzi roaming...

9 Things That Happen In Almost Every Karan Johar Movie

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Karan Johar is one of the most prolific members of the Bollywood film industry. Anyone admits it or not, everyone loves him for the after effects his movies have. Those movies dripping with emotion and compassion can melt anyone. The glamorous teenagers, their side kicks, posh locations and songs flowing...