
Posts Tagged: "life"

20 Beautiful, Uplifting & Inspiring Quotes That Will Change Your Life

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Everyone is doing their best to be happy and live their life to the fullest. Or are they? There are times when the entire world just tests you to no end, bringing you challenge after challenge, obstacle after another… In which case, you seek support, encouragement and motivation from family, colleagues and friends....

All Sisters: 18 Reasons Why Your Brother Is Annoying But He Is Your Happiness

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Little crazy yet very caring, a bit cranky yet very sophisticated; this is how your brother is. You grew up together with those silly fights over toy, pulling each other’s hair, yelling at one another, teasing, wresting until you realized he is your best buddy and one who had turned...

Need Instant Motivation? Read This

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This year has been hard for everyone and many times it’s just so hard to look forward and hope. But you know what? All of the successful people you see now have been to the deepest sections of hell and they succeeded anyway because they did not give up. If...

10 Crazy Questions You Start Asking Yourself Once You Turn 25

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So, let me guess. Whenever you couldn’t answer a question in your school test, what did you used to do? Re-read the chapter or look for the answer key to guide you. But life is the toughest test and there is no perfect answer to anything. When you reach your...

Be A Better Person By Making Someone Smile Each Day, And Here’s How You Can Do It

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A smile is often described as being a curve that sets everything straight. It can be so true especially when you are having a troubled period and there is someone who can make you see the bright side of things. Here are some ways you can bring a little sunshine...

leonardo success

If You Do These 10 Things Differently From Others, You’ll Be Really Successful. Trust Me.

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Dreams are all pervasive. Someone from an ordinary vegetable vendor to Barack Obama has dreams, both big and small. Dreams do not necessarily have to remain dreams, they can be put to action and made reality. Some people do achieve their dreams, whereas another sect of people do not, why? Well,...

12 Reasons Your Sister Is So Special To You

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No matter how hard your life is, if you have a sister, life seems to be so easy. You are truly blessed because having a sister is one of the most precious gifts you will ever have. Friends come and go, but your sister will always be there in the...