
Posts Tagged: "moment"

All Daddy’s Girl: Here Are 16 Reasons Why Your Father Is The Best Man In Your Life

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You are always your daddy’s little girl no matter how grown up you are. You are greatly influenced by your father starting from an infant to a  toddler, from a teen to a lady. The special bond you two share is just incomparable. Remember that moment when you rush to...

14 Fascinating Childhood Memories You Will Never Be Able To Forget

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The most memorable moment for every one of us is when we were a little kid – our childhood. It was really adventurous and fun to steal plenty of mangoes from that old lady who you disrespected to death or you being very phony with your mother just to sneak...

18 Little Struggles Only A True 90s Indian Kid Will Understand

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Today when everything is  just one click away, we are amazed how we survived in those days in 90s even without a cell phone and how we communicated or gained information without Internet. But the truth is that even though we were technologically handicapped, we had lived the most exciting...