
Posts Tagged: "politicians"

13 Of The Most Dumbest Things Indian Politicians Said In 2015

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What happens when you elect dumb politicians to rule your country? They not only ruin our system but also make a lot of sexist, offensive, and racist remarks. From ‘Rahul Gandhi causes earthquake’ to ‘every Hindu woman must produce atleast four kids’, here are some of the most stupid things our politicians said...

You Will Be Surprised To Know How Educated Our Politicians Are

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Politicians have always been in various conspiracies due to their comments and views over certain things. Certain moves of these politicians make us think about them and their education. Well, if you always wanted to know about your favourite politician and his education, here is a list of few among...

8 Insane Things You Won’t Believe These Rich Indian People Have Done

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Some poor people starve in the street. Some auto drivers punch each other on the face for Rs 50. And some people steal cows for living. But, for some filthy rich Indians, money comes so easily that they throw it in the trash. If you have a lot of money,...