
Posts Tagged: "school"

90s dance

If You’re A 90s Indian Kid, Then These 24 Items Will Make You Cry With Nostalgia

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If you grew up in late 80s or 90s, you are much fortunate than today’s kids of idiotic generation. Ask me why? Because you enjoyed your real childhood before smart phones, tablets, facebook, selfies, and other technologies took over it and completely ruined it. Here are some 90s stuff  we...

idiots quote

18 Signs You Were Backbenchers In Your School But Left the Last Row

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Were you among those students who wear thick black glasses & sit in the front bench or were you among those ones who always love to sit on the last bench of the classroom? If you were fortunate enough to be the owner of the last bench, I am sure you...

18 Little Struggles Only A True 90s Indian Kid Will Understand

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Today when everything is  just one click away, we are amazed how we survived in those days in 90s even without a cell phone and how we communicated or gained information without Internet. But the truth is that even though we were technologically handicapped, we had lived the most exciting...

This Teacher Goes To School Everyday With This Tyre-Tube, And When I Found Out Why, I Respect Him.

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Syed Ahmad like any other teacher wakes up early in the morning, packs his bag, and gets ready for the school. But unlike others, one thing he really can’t miss to carry is his favorite tyre-tube which he uses as a ‘boat’. Syed Ahmad is a teacher at Haoreibi Junior High...

This Kid’s Unexpected Answer To “Why Do You Admire Your Mother” Is Awesome!

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In a school test paper, a Delhi kid was asked “Why do you admire your mother?” and the answer he gave is truly amazing. His beautiful and thoughtful answer has put us into shame. Hats off to his mother who had taught her kid to be a good human being...

The 10 Unspoken Rules Of Hostel Life You Need To Follow

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So, school is over, results declared, cut offs are out, admissions have begun and you are one of those leaving behind your home to lead a new life in a new place that is going to be your home away from home for the next few years: your hostel. It...