
Posts Tagged: "selfie"

24 Photos From India That Made Everyone Laugh

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Your Facebook newsfeed or your Whatsapp group chat would have been boring and less entertaining if these photos were not taken and shared on the internet. Now, thank the people who took these photos and made our digital life funny and awesome. We dug into some of the most viral...

19 Funny Indians Who Should Not Be Allowed On Facebook (nor Twitter)

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Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook helps people connect with their friends and family. It allows people to upload photos and videos and share them with whomever they want. But there are some people who have no idea at all how the social networking site works and they upload photos and comment on...

All Sisters: 18 Reasons Why Your Brother Is Annoying But He Is Your Happiness

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Little crazy yet very caring, a bit cranky yet very sophisticated; this is how your brother is. You grew up together with those silly fights over toy, pulling each other’s hair, yelling at one another, teasing, wresting until you realized he is your best buddy and one who had turned...