
Posts Tagged: "teacher"

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18 Signs You Were Backbenchers In Your School But Left the Last Row

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Were you among those students who wear thick black glasses & sit in the front bench or were you among those ones who always love to sit on the last bench of the classroom? If you were fortunate enough to be the owner of the last bench, I am sure you...

A Teacher In China Was So Fed Up With His Noisy Students, So He Did This

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We all are punished by our teachers in schools – they make us stand outside the class or ask us to stand on the bench, they mark absent in our attendance, and sometimes they call our parents. These are quite a normal way of punishing students in India. But, all these...

This Teacher Goes To School Everyday With This Tyre-Tube, And When I Found Out Why, I Respect Him.

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Syed Ahmad like any other teacher wakes up early in the morning, packs his bag, and gets ready for the school. But unlike others, one thing he really can’t miss to carry is his favorite tyre-tube which he uses as a ‘boat’. Syed Ahmad is a teacher at Haoreibi Junior High...

10 Careers Rahul Gandhi Should Probably Consider Right Now

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Indian National Congress is destroyed, The Dynasty is almost dead, Sonia Gandhi is out, and most importantly Rahul Gandhi’s political career is uncertain. But no no…Rahul Gandhi doesn’t need to get disheartened because we all love him for many reasons. He is a great entertainer, and a great man too....