Take Control Of Your Lower Back Pain: Chinese Energetics Will Show You How

Nov 4, 2021

Are you hoping to finally get relief for your chronic back condition? Check out Chinese Energetics and its YouTube videos today! They will teach you new ways to deal with your health issues.

Chinese Energetics' educational videos will show you alternative practices for chronic lower back pain used for thousands of years with positive results.

Go to https://chineseenergetics.com for more information.

If you are one of those who suffer, in his new material, Paul Wong ,the founder of Chinese Energetics discusses non-traditional methods you can implement to cope. He hopes to help you take back control of your health, and ultimately your life.

Paul's expertise after working with thousands of people is to address frozen emotions held in your body. These, he says, are often hidden and suppressed. According to his understanding of the matter, the physical body holds onto shocks and traumas directly experienced from or passed on to parents and their ancestors. Often, these old life experiences are forgotten and put away into the unconscious part of your mind since they happened a long time ago.

Your frozen emotions are stored in the memory banks of your body, creating havoc. When your body originally experiences these shocks or traumas, it goes into fight/flight mode and freezes your emotions to cope with pain and ensure survival.

The problem is that frozen emotions get stuck and are never processed, resulting in stuck garbage that locks your physical, emotional, mental, and psychological well-being.

These frozen emotions affect not only your health but also your perceptions of life. They determine your reactions to life - whether you respond with high stress and anxiety or with peace and calmness resulting in happiness, contentment, and joyfulness.

The latest YouTube videos released by Chinese Energetics provide the training necessary for you to learn how to handle these complex issues. These are freely available to the public.

A few of the topics the videos teach include how to detect your body's subtle responses and energies, and how to melt frozen emotions and let go of them. They also educate you on how to address underlying traumas or wounds held by frozen emotions. Finally, they show you how to reprogram your body and be free from old habits.

About Chinese Energetics

As the founder of Chinese Energetics, Paul Wong, speaks from personal experience. Suffering from chronic asthma caused him to embark on a journey to learn China's ancient healing arts. In his quest, he has also spent much time with spiritual masters in India. Through this emerges his body of work, "Heart Wisdom Process." Paul conducts various forms of healing sessions and classes.

By visiting  https://chineseenergetics.com you can access the free training videos and learning to deal with frozen emotions.

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