
Tax Attorney For IRS Trouble Solvers Approved To Appear Before The Supreme Court

May 12, 2023

The U.S. Supreme Court Bar has sworn in attorney Michael Duhn. Working with Golden Tax Relief and IRS Trouble Solvers, he handles tax-related cases.

They say it's good to know a guy who's a lawyer. If that's true, it must be great to know a guy who's approved to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Which means that it's great to be a client of Golden Tax Relief, LLC., or IRS Trouble Solvers, LLC.

Michael Duhn, a tax attorney for the sister firms, was sworn into the Supreme Court Bar on April 25, 2023. Clients of the sister firms now have the benefit of trusted, expert legal counsel if they have business with the U.S. Supreme Court.

You can visit https://www.irstroublesolvers.com/staff to learn more about what the firm has to offer.

Duhn's swearing-in comes as the Internal Revenue Service starts ramping up operations following an $80 billion, 10-year budget increase passed by Congress last fall. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has stated that much of that amount will go to increased enforcement, and audit rates will increase for taxpayers who earn $400,000 or more annually.

As a result, tax experts warn that high-income taxpayers should shore up any gaps in their record-keeping and prepare for the possibility of an audit. Consulting with a tax attorney is one way to decrease your chance of getting audited if you fall into that category.

A tax attorney for IRS Trouble Solvers and Golden Tax Relief, Duhn’s areas of expertise include corporate law, sales transactions, income taxation, and international law. He received his Juris Doctor from John Marshall Law School in 2016, and holds master's degrees in Public Administration and Business Administration.

Historically, the number of tax cases the U.S. Supreme Court accepts is low. Most cases, if appealed, end up in U.S. Tax Court. It's hard to tell, however, how the increased enforcement will play out legally over the coming decade. And it's definitely an advantage for you to have a relationship with a tax attorney who’s approved to appear before the high court.

Seeking new representation at such a critical time can result in unexpected outcomes for you and your business. It’s better to work with a trusted advisor who’s been with you every step of the way.

Duhn is Secretary for the Illinois State Bar Association Federal Taxation Section Council, and will serve as the body’s Vice-Chair for the 2023-2024 term. A member of the International & Immigration Law Section Council, Duhn also works with the Center of Concern Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic and volunteers with the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition for law students.

Golden Tax Relief and IRS Trouble Solvers are based in Elmhurst, Illinois. Both firms primarily serve the Chicago area but also have clients nationwide.

If you want more information or would like to schedule a consultation, visit https://www.goldentaxrelief.com

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