Pauline Gevaux (Art Gevaux) opens up about her artwork and commissioned paintings. Further information can be found at
Ahead of the launch of its new series of oil paintings celebrating Indian heritage, Pauline Gevaux (Art Gevaux) is making public Three as yet unreleased facts about Temples without Gods set to go live This Autumn, which fans and consumers within the Art space will find interesting...
The Three items include nuggets such as how:
The idea for creating the artwork for "Temples without Gods" came about after I was approached by a publishing house in India who had seen my previous work....
Various artists were selected and we were each given three images to paint within a deadline of 31st March 2021. I was given the images of Pakshi Mandir, Gadarmal Temple and Badhiri Deul, these can be viewed at along with my other beautiful artwork.
This series of oil paintings celebrating Indian heritage is to be published in a book called "Temples without Gods" and this will be presented to the top religious and political individuals in India this fall..
This beautiful art was commissioned for publication, however the originals still remain available for sale. I am a qualified Bob Ross instructor in Landscape with a lifetime of experience in art. I am currently preparing for my first solo exhibition in August 2022.
"I like to do things to connect with my consumers and customers. In the past I have had raffles of art work for charity. In addition I have also displayed work at exhibition in both Zurich and Barcelona., and releasing these little factoids ahead of the Temples without Gods launch are what make a difference."
I live in Corfu and the scenery here is so compelling and I spend a lot of time trying to capture the beauty and light, so having some other image to recreate in painting was quite interesting.
Temples withour Gods is set to launch This Autumn. To find out more, it's possible to visit
For more facts and further information about Art Gevaux , this can be discovered at