The 4biddenknowledge Relief Grant For Minority Owned Businesses

Jul 18, 2020

The business has to be at least 51% owned by an individual who is either socially or economically disadvantaged. Y

Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge Inc has set up a relief grant for small minority owned businesses. To apply, a qualified office of the business must text #GRANT to 954-245-0086. The link to apply for the grant will be sent back via text. The grant is for $1000 of relief money and does not need to be paid back.

What is a Small Business Grant?

A grant is money that is given to a person, business or corporation from federal, state, county or local governments, or private businesses or corporations. Grants do not require repayment of any kind. It is most definitely an attractive financial consideration for entrepreneurs and small or online businesses with little cash available for start-up, growth or expansion. There are grants available for all kinds of small and online business owners: women, veterans, disabled Americans, minorities, and other under-represented groups. The key is finding the grants for which you qualify and then doing the nose-to-the-grindstone work to apply for the small business grant.

Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge Inc has given away tens of thousands of dollars over the last decade. The deadline for this grant application is July 31st 2020. More information is available at

If you are a minority business owner, it’s a good idea to become certified as a minority-owned business. Government agencies and corporations actually set goals for conducting business and buying from minority-owned companies, so becoming certified immediately increases your business’ appeal. Corporations want to do business with minority-owned businesses because they realize that U.S. minorities have great purchasing power. And needless to say, if they want minorities to purchase their products and services, they have to support their businesses in return.

Federal officials support minority-owned businesses because they realize that by doing so, they will help the country grow a sustainable economic climate. So, now that you know the benefits of being a minority-owned business, it’s time to look at how you can officially certify your business as minority-owned.

The National Minority Supplier Development Council

Becoming certified with the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) is a great way to position your business for growth by connecting with private sector buyers. The National Minority Supplier Development Council matches certified minority-owned businesses with members of their network who need to purchase products, services, and solutions. Currently, they have matched 12,000 certified minority-owned businesses. Their network includes a national office located in New York City, 24 affiliate regional councils nationwide, and 1,750 corporate members to date. Additionally, the council offers management training programs and a working capital loan program.

NMSDC Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible to start the certification process and to be considered a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), at least 51% of the business must be owned by a United States citizen who is Asian, Black, Hispanic, or Native American. Or, if the business is a publicly owned business, such individuals must own at least 51% of the stock.

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