
The Best Guide To Avoiding Fraudsters Online Is This 2022 Scam Solutions Book

Apr 6, 2022

Think you’re immune to fraud? Think again! The internet is rife with clever scams to rob you of your hard-earned money. Get the lowdown on how to spot and avoid them with the updated version of “I Was Scammed” by Gini Graham Scott.

The Best Guide To Avoiding Fraudsters Online Is This 2022 Scam Solutions Book

Have you recently been a victim of an online scam? Want to learn how to avoid being duped again? Check out 'I Was Scammed: How To Avoid Becoming A Victim' from American Leadership Books!

While the internet age has brought unprecedented access to products and services, it has also left consumers more vulnerable than ever to fraud. In response to this, the renowned publishing house has released an updated version of its guide on spotting and evading con artists and schemes.

I Was Scammed, by Gini Graham Scott, teaches you how to spot potential cons and protect yourself from the many unscrupulous tricksters who prey on impressionable consumers today.

Equip yourself to fight back against fraud. Order your copy of 'I Was Scammed' today! More details at https://www.amazon.com/Was-Scammed-Updated-Expanded-Becoming-ebook/dp/B09PNB38GJ

The newly expanded and updated book covers the essentials of staying safe while conducting business online, exploring some of the most common and effective tricks used by fraudsters and ways to protect yourself from falling victim to these pervasive scams.

According to new statistics published by the Federal Trade Commission, there was a 70% increase in incidents of fraud in 2021 with some 2.8 million people reporting losses totaling $5.8 billion. Among the most commonly reported fraud categories were imposter scams, online shopping cons, prizes, sweepstakes, internet service scams, and job opportunity cons.

American Leadership Books' latest release discusses the growing problem of identity theft, consumer vulnerability to data breaches, and the ways in which scammers utilize stolen information for their own ends.

You'll learn about emerging trends in fraud such as real estate and home improvement services as well as email, telephone, and social media scams that affect millions around the world. Many consumers are also falling victim to scams involving gift cards, coupons, prizes, publishing, chargebacks, and book reviews.

Gini Graham Scott's book highlights the many ways in which consumers today are more vulnerable than ever to fraudsters, exploring more traditional con approaches as well as trends that have emerged in the internet age. Scott's mission is to raise awareness and set out some golden rules regarding how to protect yourself and your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) online.

The company published Gini Graham Scott's previous book – 'The Big Con' – an acclaimed case study of her experiences in the book and film world. Alongside Scott's numerous works, American Leadership Books also offers a range of topical titles on everything from the justice system to social and racial divides in the US today. Learn more about scams by joining 'Scammed', a rapidly growing Facebook community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1060223038128200

A spokesperson says, “The 'I Was Scammed' series features an overview of different types of digital and internet scams, how to protect your identity from theft, and how to repair the damage after a scam.”

With its launch of Gini Graham Scott's updated 'I Was Scammed,' American Leadership Books affirms its growing reputation as a purveyor of literature on criminal justice topics.

Don't get fooled again! Find out more here: http://www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com

Whether you've been a victim of fraud or you're concerned about offers and incentives that seem too good to be true, I Was Scammed by Gini Graham Scott will help you protect yourself and fight back!

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