New York’s #1 Automobile law firm, the Law office of Richard M. Kenny shares these thoughts on New Years Day: “This New Years – and all of the time – resolve to drive safely, not distracted or buzzed.”
2020 has just begun, and already accidents and fatalities are looming on the horizon. Most years New York City averages between 1 to 3 fatalities per day, along with hundreds to thousands of accidents ranging from minor fender-benders to accidents with severe but not fatal injuries. There were nearly a quarter of a million accidents in 2018 across the whole of the city, which averages to one accident ever two minutes. When injured, insurance doesn’t always cover the full range of the damages. For most injured New Yorkers in Manhattan and the Bronx, as well as Brooklyn and Queens, the best option is to speak with a professional New York City motor vehicle injury attorney in Manhattan, and the best attorney according to a number of polls and surveys is the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny.
The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny specializes in helping New York Residents get the settlements they deserve when any kind of injury accident happens. The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny is responsible for recovering over a quarter of a billion dollars for their clients, and has over 120 5-star reviews in Google, with no negative reviews. The law office of Richard M. Kenny can be contacted by calling (212) 421-0300 or by visiting their website. Initial consultation is always free, and they work on a contingency fee basis meaning they're only paid if they win a settlement for their clients.
The majority of New York City motor vehicle accidents seem to be caused by distracted drivers. “We urge all New Yorkers that - when you’re behind the wheel - you focus on the road and not your phone,” said a spokesman for The Law Office of Richard M. Kenny. “Your life is the only one you get, and you don’t want to spend it in pain, disabled, or knowing that you injured or killed someone else due to a completely avoidable circumstance. We love representing New York City motor automobile injury clients because we want to make sure that people are taken care of, not taken advantage of by insurance companies trying to protect their bottom lines. But we’d give up any of those clients if it meant that it saved a life or someone's livelihood!”
Obviously, driving while under the influence is another major cause of automobile accidents, and the spokesman for Richard M. Kenny also shared words about that. “This New Years, a number of people will make the foolish mistake of driving ‘buzzed,’ and you should never do that. Your are impaired, and it’s both dangerous and illegal. If I could impart one thought in folks, it would be this: You’re not just risking your own life, you’re risking the lives of everyone else interacting with the road, including mothers and children, the elderly and even people’s pets. Think about more than yourself, and this new year, resolve to only ever drive responsibly.”