These 10 Classical Art Memes Prove The Masters Got It Right All Along
When most people think classical art, they think boring portraits of boring damzels, half-naked plump babies, and an equally boring battle scene. And if that’s what you have in mind, we’re about to unbore classical art for you with some irreverently funny classical art memes.
We all know how memes work these days, but did you know there are also classical art memes? These memes will challenge your knowledge of history and fill you with laughter. Here are the 10 funniest classical art memes that showcase masterpieces in a hilarious way.
Check them out below – mind you though, they’re not for the too-serious art student. You’ve been warned.
1. Facepalming.
2. Every single time.
3. The guy on the right is safe.
4. Just chillin.
5. That look.
6. The reminder nobody needs.
7. Technicalities.
8. Everyone’s grandparents.
9. She looks happy about it.
10. Obama and the Jacksons.
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