
Thinking about Airsoft? You Should Read This Safety Equipment Advice Before Playing

Mar 9, 2021

Newcomers to airsoft now have comprehensive guidance on essential and secondary safety equipment from airsoft specialist website, Airsoft Core.

Are you an airsoft newbie? Make sure you have the essentials for safety before going into battle!

Airsoft advice and information website, Airsoft Core, has launched a new report providing guidance and recommendations on appropriate safety equipment for those who are new to the sport.

Go to https://www.airsoftcore.com/tactical-gear/safety-gear-for-airsoft-beginners/ for more information!

With pandemic restrictions easing and more people returning to outdoor activities, the report is aimed at those people who wish to try airsoft for the first time.

Airsoft is a mock combat recreational sport. Similar in concept to paintball, participants use replica weapons called airsoft guns to fire plastic projectiles at opponents in order to eliminate them from game-play.

Airsoft pellets can leave welts on exposed areas of skin and are particularly dangerous to soft areas of your body. The new report breaks down essential and secondary safety equipment that you will require if you are a new airsoft player.

Essential safety equipment is characterized as equipment to protect the most vulnerable areas of your body including eyes, ears, mouth and feet.

As mentioned in the report, a direct hit to the eye from an airsoft pellet will most likely lead to permanent damage or even loss of sight! Eye protection in the form of ANZI Z87.1 rated goggles or full face-mask are recommended.

Whilst requirements for ear protection are more relaxed, the report also recommends some form of ear protection. Ear canals can be particularly sensitive to damage from airsoft pellets. Again, full face masks are a common option recommended by the report.

Airsoft pellets also have the potential to chip teeth or cause significant damage to the throat. Mouth protection is, therefore, another essential item suggested for players.

Finally, solid footwear in the form of boots are recommended. One of the most common forms of injury seen on airsoft fields is a twisted or sprained ankle owing to poor footwear.

Airsoft Core was established to help beginner and expert players of the sport with a range of tips, advice and useful information.

Report author and founder of Airsoft Core stated: “I’m trying to build out Airsoft Core as a reliable place to get good, honest, airsoft info. I banded with other airsoft enthusiasts to write great content on the hobby”.

Ready to hit the battlefield? Make sure you read the report at https://www.airsoftcore.com/tactical-gear/safety-gear-for-airsoft-beginners/ first!

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