Unknown to many Americans, hidden fees are eating away at the yields of their 401(k) plans, and law firms are not spared. If you want to save thousands on fees annually, this independent advisor is your best bet.
Is your law firm aware of the high fees most financial advisors charge for 401(k) plan management? This independent advisor offers a better alternative that can save you thousands annually.
SK Capital Wealth Management (SK Capital), a financial advisory firm based in Anaheim, has introduced a pension planning service for California attorneys and law firms. It is designed to assist you in matters pertaining to your 401(k) plan to help you achieve your income goals in time for retirement.
Go to https://www.skcapitalwealth.com for more details.
The newly announced offering can help you save about 30% to 50% on fiduciary fees annually. As you probably earn over $120,000 per year, these savings could equate to thousands of dollars throughout the span of your career.
SK Capital’s service focuses on legal professionals because they are being charged the most when it comes to managing their 401(k) plans. These costs stem from multiple third-party consultants, all of whom charge an amount for their service. According to the company, a huge portion of these fees is deducted from the client’s investment, which can inhibit its growth.
The company offers you free reports about the performance of your investments and other areas of improvement. It can also help you mitigate risks that may arise due to various external factors.
Furthermore, SK Capital has a fee-only structure, which means that it does not accept commissions from financial firms promoting their investment products. This structure is preferable because it assures you that your interest is being prioritized, and not that of another party.
In general, many Americans are unaware of how 401(k) plans work and how much is being charged from their assets, according to an earlier report by CNBC. It found that, on average, one is paying about $467 annually in fees, which can add up over the years and “eat away” at one’s benefits.
This reality is what motivated SK Capital’s Sammy Khalil, an independent advisor who specializes in the legal industry, to offer this specialized service.
“Sammy Khalil is ready to offer expertise and a clear pathway to help you get to your investment goals. As a Fiduciary, Sammy has a legal responsibility to provide what is in the best interest of his clients,” the company stated on its website.
SK Capital has only your interest in mind. Book a free 30-minute consultation today and learn about the options that can help you reach your financial goals!
You can visit https://www.skcapitalwealth.com if you want to know more!