Make smarter decisions in the day trading market by doing your research. Learn the fundamental analysis techniques used by millionaire traders to make more accurate predictions about how a stock will perform. You can learn this and much more at My Investing Club.
How good is your fundamental analysis? If you're still making the wrong decisions when it comes to rapid position trading, up your game with a mentor from My Investing Club and join the buzzing chatroom to connect with and learn from your peers.
Enjoy access to a panel of expert traders who have forged successful careers in the stock market. The MIC chatroom itself is a busy online forum in which you can meet like-minded individuals across the globe to swap tips and support one another in the quest for self-sufficiency and financial independence.
Make smarter trading decisions with My Investing Club. More details at
Join the weekly webinar series that gives you expert market analysis and insight into current activity. The webinars are recorded and logged in MIC's state-of-the-art learning management system - a video encyclopedia of day trading resources that you can access on demand from anywhere in the world.
According to Investopedia, fundamental analysis allows traders to determine the value of certain stocks. This analysis can be either quantitative - relating to the earnings and assets of a company issuing a stock - or qualitative - which relates to the management and brand profile of the said business.
As an MIC member, you're taught the essentials of this research process, learning the techniques that allow you to assess if a stock's price is overvalued or undervalued based on underlying economic conditions. Topics covered include SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis - a strategic planning technique that accounts for a company's performance, competition, and potential risk.
You'll also learn about PE (price-to-earning) ratios. These allow you to compare the value of a stock with a company's earnings, helping to build a picture of what the market is likely to pay based on past and predicted earnings.
Other features of the MIC platform include access to a seven-hour Accelerator program - a comprehensive guide to all aspects of day trading - as well as daily trading blueprints which offer you a helpful guide of what to expect before the market opens for business.
A spokesperson says, “Mainstream trading education often teaches good people terrible trading habits and as a result, they never really get a fair shot at making it as traders. We set out to change that by offering people a real, professional day trading education and in doing so build the benchmark trading community for consistently profitable traders.”
For more info, go to
If your profits are taking a plunge, reverse your stock market fortunes with expert coaching at My Investing Club!