This Online Holistic Energy Healing Hypnotherapy Service Helps Dubai, UAE Anxiety Sufferers

Jun 13, 2021

The unique Heart Wisdom Process combines gentle meditation and proprietary energy healing hypnotherapy to help you release old conditioning forever!

Are you struggling with the challenges of modern life? Learn how to release the things that are holding you back!

Energy healing specialist Sevinc Chelebi has launched the Heart Wisdom Process self-wellness program for clients in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

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Based on a blend of Eastern healing practices, meditation, and proprietary hypnotherapy practice, the recently launched service is designed to assist you if you are suffering from one of a number of mental health concerns including anxiety, trauma, and depression.

Experts have long been suggesting that modern lifestyles have a detrimental effect on mental health. Employment demands, financial instability, and a growing reliance on technology to connect with others are all said to contribute to the growing numbers of people who suffer emotional disorders.

With events of the past twelve months having only exacerbated these issues for many of us, the Heart Wisdom Process seeks to release and resolve underlying, pre-conditioned programs that can trigger mental illness.

As Sevinc Chelebi explains, a number of deeply held pain triggers can actually exist from a very early age. This manifests as a subtle tension within your body and can develop into more serious mental health concerns if not properly addressed.

Combining a number of light meditation and self-healing methodologies, the Heart Wisdom Process helps you to release old conditioning without a need to encounter experiences or memories that may be particularly painful.

By releasing such deeply held beliefs, the program aims to provide you with a permanent transformation that can ultimately lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.

While the Heart Wisdom Process was developed as a standalone program, it draws from a number of ancient Eastern healing practices. As such, it is also compatible and can be used in conjunction with a range of other holistic treatments, including Prana Healing, Theta Healing, Qigong, EFT, Somatic Healing, Tai Chi, and Matrix Energetics.

Utilizing online practitioners, the program has recently been launched for residents and English-speaking expats in a variety of UAE locations.

A company representative stated: “Your painful triggers can be released when an expert coach guides you to release old conditioning. When you are releasing old beliefs and behaviors, you will actually feel physical change and transformation.”

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