This Search Marketing Service For Seattle Realtors Can Boost Their SERP Rankings

Oct 5, 2024

Getting noticed as a real estate agent is hard… if you’re doing it wrong. Eisey Sales does it the right way, by hyper-targeting the awesome multimedia content your clients want, to make sure it’s right where they’re looking for it.

When someone is looking for a realtor, do you think they look for the nearest billboard with a real estate agent, and call up whoever paid for it?

I don't, and I bet you wouldn't either. That's not how real, effective advertising works - because it's not putting information about your services where people are actually looking. Eisey Sales has a strategy that does work though, you can get more details or book a free consultation at

Your Content, Where Clients Actually Look For It

We all know where people go when they're looking for something new - if their family members or best friends don't suggest someone first, they almost always look online.

Using a search engine is so easy, my grandma does it often, even though she can't figure out how to reset the time on her microwave.

The problem is, and always has been, making sure that information about you, your services, and your listings are at the top.

What if I told you it's not actually all that hard? The problem is that most folks want to cheat their way to the top, and that just doesn't work, unless you buy ad space... but then everyone ignores your link because it has a big "sponsored ad" banner next to it.

Eisey Sales makes branded content for you, that's designed to rank at or near the top for people who actively looking for a real estate agent, in your area, with no "Sponsored Ad" banners, ever.

How It Works Is Simple, Just Follow The Instructions

While it sounds like some kind of trick, all Eisey Sales does is follow the rules provided by Google and the other search engines, years ago.

Instead of trying to cheat, they give the search engines, and your potential clients, exactly what they want.

Interesting, Relevant, Unique, and Trustworthy content, in every popular format.

That sounds like a lot of work, and it is - but not for you or me. They use a "done-for-you" strategy that means what it says, everything is done for you.

Oh sure, you'll be encouraged to provide a list of suggestions for targeting, such as specific demographics, locations, services, or keywords you want to focus on, but you will never be asked to build your own content. The Eisey Sales team will create each campaign in all 6 media formats, which will be available for you to review before they become available to the public online.

Now this part is important - they'll build the content, and it's always good stuff, but you still need to check it for mistakes. This content is going to be all about your brand, so make sure it's right, and represents you properly. If there's anything wrong, they can fix it, just let them know.

The Benefits Are Long-Term

As each set of content becomes publicly available and is indexed by the search engine algorithms, they will be ranked as unique, interesting, and relevant, as well as being hosted on high-authority sites.

Since each piece discusses you and your business and has links back to your website, this helps each piece of content to rank higher on its own and also provides a boost to your main website or landing page.

Then all you do is lather, rinse, and repeat, with more benefits each time.

This is because they use a “low-hanging fruit” approach that's super effective at helping smaller brands rank higher, even for highly competitive keywords. The marketing team will focus on lower-competition keywords first to help build your authority with the search algorithm, and then just keep on building.

As you release more content and build more authority with the search algorithm, it allows you to target progressively more competitive keywords, and still rank at or near the top of the search results.

Verified Results, That Are Easy To See

There are three ways that you'll know this strategy is working.

  1. You'll have more people calling you, visiting your website, and checking out your services.
  2. You can Google all the keywords you're targeting, and see how you rank in seconds.
  3. You can get a free "snapshot report" from Eisey Sales, which shows how you rank before and after each campaign, for all the keywords that matter to you.

The Eisey Sales website explains it pretty well when they say “We believe in the power of organic traffic growth as it has given various businesses we’ve worked with incredible results. These aren’t quick fixes or temporary solutions. Instead, we’re here to help you build a sustainable, thriving online presence that continues to grow with unique exposure campaigns.”

So sure, you could buy some ads and cheat your way to the top - if you like having your expensive and temporary "sponsored ad" links ignored.

A better strategy though, is to create the awesome and high-ranking content that your clients, and the search algorithms, want.

Over time, this strategy lets you dominate even the most competitive keywords, because the benefits are always cumulative, and they never expire.

If you want to know more, I would suggest booking a free consultation with an expert, to see how they can help you specifically.

You can book your free consult or just find more information at

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