This Unique Interview with Tomi Lahren May Give You Empathy for Her

Mar 25, 2020

Travis Chappell releases an interview with Tomi Lahren where she talks about Glenn Beck, the View, Trevor Noah, and much more!

Travis Chappell on his new YouTube show, World Class, has released a potentially controversial video "Tomi Lahren | From Trevor Noah, to The View, to Fox Nation", bringing some cause for concern, as the video may upset people who are on the far left politically.

The video is a little over and hour and examines the high points and low points of Creating Viral Content, in the pursuit of providing a unique perspective into Tomi Lahren's personal life for self help enthusiasts. In nontypical fashion, a certain element of the article is set to spark discontent amongst Social Justice Warriors.

Below is a portion of her bio, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:

"At 27-years-old, Tomi Lahren is the youngest political talk show host in history. She is now a Fox News contributor and will play a key role in the new Fox News digital platform. She is best known for her signature “Final Thoughts” on everything from Beyoncé to President Obama and of course, San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick. Her segments have been viewed on Facebook over 580 million times in the last year alone. Controversy is her specialty but for Tomi, it’s all about faith, freedom, family and of course, final thoughts."

A spokesperson for World Class, Travis Chappell, says "Of course our show never sets out to intentionally upset anybody. The aim of our articles is first and foremost to show people that even though you disagree with someone politically, you can still have empathy for their position in life. It is critical, however, that we stay dedicated to our true voice."

Although our "Tomi Lahren | From Trevor Noah, to The View, to Fox Nation" might unsettle people who are on the far left of the political spectrum, our duty is to our viewers and listeners. We believe it's more important for us to keep our target audience informed, than to please everyone. Which is notoriously difficult to do."

Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the video highlights the story of a politically controversial figure, Tomi Lahren. has been a provider of in depth podcasts and videos in the Entrepreneurship market almost three years. has stated the future aims for the website are to help people on their journey to becoming World Class by asking world class people how they did it. So hopes any controversy will pass quickly and re-emphasizes no offense is or was intended.

Travis' complete video can be found at

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