Top Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece With No Side Effects: Effective Sleep Noise Aid

May 18, 2023

Stop your snoring, without wrecking your sleep – all you need is the Zyppah. This new custom sleep aid uses a unique design that’s been proven in an FDA-approved clinical study to help more than 90% of people to reduce or eliminate their snoring.

Do you know what the only thing more annoying than snoring all night is?

Being beside the person who's snoring all night, of course.

At least that's what my wife always used to say, and she's tried everything to make it stop.

At one point she was absolutely sure that earplugs were going to be the perfect solution - but every time she plugged up my nose with them, I'd wake right back up...

So maybe it's no surprise that I'm a little excited about a snoring aid that actually works, because regardless of what my wife says, I really do like being able to breathe while I'm sleeping.

If you've read this far, and you still don't know what I'm talking about - where have you been all this time? It's the Zyppah!

The Zyppah is a new anti-snoring mouthpiece that was designed by one of the world's top sleep experts, based on his decades of experience working with loud sleepers. Of course, I'll tell you all about it, but there's only one thing that you really need to know.

It works.

Seriously, it's been thoroughly researched, tested, and trialed - and the results are in. See for yourself, just visit

In a recent clinical study, 570 individuals used the Zyppah devices overnight, while tracking their sleep, their partners’ sleep, and how much noise they made. Not a single tester was murdered in their sleep by an angry partner - so that's the first sign that the device works.

Okay, seriously though, "individual results did vary," as with any experiment, but the results are incredibly promising. 91% of overnight snorers reported positive results, which instantly made the Zyppah the most widely successful sleep aid on the market - and it caused a 67% reduction in noise level on average.

If 91% of people make 67% less noise... then by my estimates, that should prevent at least a few aggravated assaults every year by angry, frequently woken-up partners - and that's just in my own house...

I know what you're thinking, "anti-snoring devices are not new," and you're right.

The Zyppah is different though. It was designed by Dr. Jonathan Greenburg, a well-known sleep specialist, after working with thousands of patients and finding that most of the traditional options just aren't that good.

The whole design is new, and it uses strategies that have never been tried before. It's the only snore-aid currently on the market with a built-in tongue strap, which helps to address the root cause of snoring instead of the symptoms.

Why a tongue strap? The simple explanation is that your tongue is one big muscle, and when you're sleeping, it's a very relaxed muscle. For some people, this relaxation can cause their tongue to partially block their airway - and you already know the results of that.

The new tongue strap design works by supporting your tongue while you sleep, which prevents it from flopping across your airway, and causing the snores. What's really neat about this design though, is that it seems to work for everyone.

Or, well... okay, actually it works for 91% of people, but what I mean is that the clinical trial showed there were no significant differences based on age, weight, gender, BMI, or your level of experience with anti-snoring devices. So this device has a better than 9 out of 10 chance of helping to eliminate your snoring, regardless of any other factors.

If you're already familiar with this type of snore-reduction device, you'll probably recognize some of the other features. It uses a “boil-and-bite” custom-fit plate and a mandibular advancement strategy, which has become a pretty common practice. Combining those strategies with the tongue strap though was the real trick, that finally made everything fall into place.

Now, if you're at all like me, you might be thinking... 91% effective means 9% ineffective - so how did that 9% do?

Well, the first and most important thing to know, is that there were no adverse effects listed in the clinical trial. So none of them suffered any real complications, that small percentage just didn't find the device useful. An even smaller percentage of users, less than 1%, either found the device uncomfortable or, in just one case, unusable.

What may be even more interesting, is what happened when the researchers asked their subjects if they had tried other snoring aids before, and if they were effective. They found that, that while more than 120 of their test subjects had tried a snoring reduction device before the Zyppah, only 3 people had found the previous devices effective at all.

Maybe one day we'll look back on this moment, and remember it as The Day We Cured Snoring..... or at least seriously reduced it.

In the far future, when your grandkids are learning about this in school, they'll be taught that the Zyppah was invented by Dr. Jonathan Greenburg, a bio-engineer and dentist with decades of experience, and five treatment centers in Southern California which work exclusively with patients who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea issues.

They'll probably call him something like "Dr. Shhnathan Snoreburg," because kids are like that - but what a thing to be remembered for.

Unfortunately, getting a Zyppah for yourself won't get your name in the history books with him - but it will make your sleep a whole lot quieter, and in my case, I think it improves my chances of living long enough to read those history books.

One way or another, history is being made. Will you be a part of it?

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