Are you looking for a reliable, secure conservative search engine this year? TUSK is the obvious answer – check out the full range of benefits here!
Do you want to transform your search experience with no more pesky article censorship, and an AI chatbot that you actually want to use? Give TUSK a try today – it's the ultimate search solution for conservatives and centrists!
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The company has consistently argued for free speech, user privacy, and uncensored news, with regular updates in line with these beliefs. With recent news reports showing that Google continues to receive allegations of censorship, the TUSK team is raising awareness of its search engine as a direct alternative.
"With TUSK, you’ll save time, increase productivity, and find the information you need faster than ever before. Join the hundreds of thousands of satisfied users who have already made the switch."
TUSK developed the platform to give you more control over how you search for information - addressing concerns about limited access to content on other search platforms.
You can select from Left, Center, and Right pre-search filter options before starting your search, which alters how results appear based on political perspective, helping you find content that matches your viewpoints or explore different angles on the same topics.
A proprietary news feed works alongside the search functions - you select your favorite websites, and TUSK's algorithm spots trending stories and popular content before they go viral.
The platform now also features Gippr AI, a built-in artificial intelligence chatbot trained to provide conservative-leaning responses. This AI assistant offers an alternative to other systems currently available, answering questions and providing information directly within the TUSK Search site.
You can access the search engine, AI assistant, and browser without creating an account; the platform works on iOS, Android, and desktop devices, providing a consistent experience across all systems.
"The app is built by an all-American company with the goal of promoting the idea that America is indeed the land of the free and brave," the company explains. "It's available now, so give it a try, and see what you think."
With TUSK, you can start enjoying the news again. Give it a try today!
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