If you have a dental emergency in McKinney, Frisco, Plano, or a surrounding area, the 24/7 emergency services from Millennium Smiles (972-987-4899) are a much better option than going to ER.
Dental emergencies don’t often happen at a super convenient time or place. When you wake up at 1 am in excruciating pain, you might think that your only option is to go to ER. In tooth (sorry, couldn’t avoid the cheesy pun), the much safer bet is to call an emergency dental clinic, like Millennium Smiles.
You can get an immediate appointment, you won’t have to wait for hours in ER, and you’ll also be getting professional dental care. The clinic is one of the most advanced in the wider Frisco region, and they are equipped to handle any emergency, including chipped and broken teeth, abscesses, and missing teeth.
Go to https://millenniumsmiles.com/service/emergency-dentistry for more information.
Not all dentists offer care on a 24/7 basis, so, if they do answer the phone at 1 am, most will probably tell you to come to their clinic the next day. Millennium Smiles understands that emergencies are super stressful, and some can even be life-threatening, which is why you can always rely on them to be available.
Concorde Career College, a leading healthcare education institute, explains that dentists can usually treat emergencies faster and more effectively than ER departments. In addition, attendance at an emergency dental clinic can relieve pressure on the general hospital system. Cases requiring urgent attention include knocked-out teeth, teeth chips, and fractures, bleeding, and acute pain or swelling.
Millennium Smiles is in agreement with these assertions, and the clinic’s services are designed to provide you with comprehensive, 24/7 emergency care for a wide range of situations.
"With our dental professionals, you no longer have to worry about getting adequate care about your emergency dental situation is," the company stated on its website. "We have the technology to repair damage and replace missing or broken teeth in a timely manner."
In addition to emergency treatments, Millennium Smiles offers a wide variety of routine and cosmetic dentistry. Operating from its Main Road and Lebanon Road premises, the center also offers some of the latest technologies and methods for temporomandibular joint disorders, as well as obstructive sleep apnea.
One patient recently stated: “Millennium Smiles is the best experience for people who have had dental trauma. The staff are kind, heartfelt, and gentle, and they provide a lot of options to help calm your nerves that I didn’t know existed. I was in incredible pain and they saw me the same day. I’m telling everybody I know how great this clinic is.”
If you have a dental emergency in McKinney, Frisco, or Plano, rest assured that Millennium Smiles is on hand to provide immediate dental care.
Check out https://millenniumsmiles.com/service/emergency-dentistry so you can learn more.