
Top ERC Examples 2022 | Small Business Maximum Pandemic Tax Refund Amounts

Apr 22, 2022

How much can you claim in ERTC rebates? Have a look at these real-life examples of other businesses that made claims in the last 30 days. Take the free eligibility test to find out if you qualify.

Top ERC Examples 2022 | Small Business Maximum Pandemic Tax Refund Amounts

Often the best way to understand a complicated problem is with an example.

When I was in school, I was trying to learn about palindromes.

I asked my mother for an example of a palindrome, and she said, "Dad."

So I asked my father for an example of a palindrome, and he said, "Mom."

Since they refused to be helpful, I had to go looking on my own.

When it comes to a more complicated topic, such as making an ERTC claim, examples can help you to determine not just if you might be eligible for a rebate, but also a ballpark idea of how much you might be able to claim.

Though more than $1 billion dollars in Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERTC) were claimed in 2021, many employers still have not completed their applications for rebates. The claim examples from Free Tax Cash include non-profit organizations, small businesses, and restaurants.

Visit https://www.freetaxcash.com to make your own claim, or to see the full list of examples.

As an agent for a firm of specialist CPAs, Free Tax Cash helps small to medium-sized businesses to maximize their rebates and complete their claims. Their list of examples includes businesses that have completed their rebate claims in the past 30 days, with the highest refund being $1,120,000 for a restaurant ownership group in Florida.

An optimized application process they offer called the 15 Minute Refund program, allows you to complete your entire claim with a short time commitment, and the help of ERTC specialist CPAs. This fast application is not available from other CPA firms and includes audit-proof documentation for each client.

If you are unsure of your eligibility, you can take a no-cost, no-obligation assessment on the Free Tax Cash website, that requires no proprietary business information. The assessment includes 10 simple questions and will help you to determine if you are eligible, and how much you can claim.

Businesses that have already enrolled in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are also eligible for tax credits if they meet the other requirements. To be eligible, your business must have suffered financial losses during the pandemic, or have been partially or fully closed for business because of government orders, such as a lockdown.

While the PPP offered small loans to business owners, with restrictions on how they could spend the funds, the ERTC program takes a different approach. The tax credits it offers are not a loan, do not need to be repaid, and have no restrictions on how they can be spent.

Other examples of companies helped by this firm of specialist CPAs include Montessori School in Addison, IL, which claimed a rebate for $175,000, with 35 W-2 employees. They also assisted a restaurant in Houston, TX, that has 80 W-2 employees with a claim of $400,000.

With up to $26,000 per employee on the table, there's no reason not to complete your claim, and get a tax rebate. Free Tax Cash can help to make the entire process quick, easy, and profitable.

Visit https://www.freetaxcash.com to see more examples, or to learn about the 15 Minute Refund program.

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