You could suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction and not even know it. If you suffer from unexplained facial pain or headaches, see Frisco-based Millennium Smiles (972-987-4899) for advanced TMD diagnosis and therapy.
Temporomandibular sounds a bit scary, but it’s just a word used by science-types to describe your jaw joint. If your TMJ isn’t working properly, it can cause lots of unexplained symptoms. That’s where Millennium Smiles can help.
In days gone by, you might have needed an operation to fix TMJ issues. Not anymore, because this leading local dental clinic offers advanced, non-invasive therapy that solves the problem for 95% of patients. If your condition is one of the few that is a little more stubborn, the practice can also recommend phase-2 non-reversible treatment options.
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Millennium Smiles is now one of the leading centers for diagnosing and treating TMD in Frisco, Little Elm, McKinney, Plano, and surrounding regions. The clinic uses advanced biometric technology, known as joint vibrational analysis, to assist in accurately identifying TMD if you’re experiencing symptoms.
So, what are the sings that you have TMJ problems? Your temporomandibular joint is the point at which your lower jaw bone connects to your skull, and it is regarded as one of the most complex joints in the human body. Any misalignment can cause a range of specific and non-specific symptoms, such as jaw or facial pain, difficulty chewing, popping noises in your jaw, ringing ears, headaches, neck and upper back pain, and/or tingling fingers.
While TMD is reported as the second most common cause of musculoskeletal pain, Millennium Smiles explains that you might not be aware that you suffer from the condition. The clinic’s introduction of advanced diagnosis technology, along with some of the latest therapeutic techniques, will help you seek appropriate treatment at the earliest possible stage.
One of the new TMJ pain treatment options offered by the clinic is MLS (multi-wave locked system) Laser Therapy. It is a quick, non-invasive procedure that blocks the source of pain and promotes cellular repair.
“TMJ pain can present in different forms, making it a challenge to diagnose and treat,” a clinic representative explained. “Our TMJ therapy is a reversible, noninvasive method that is recommended as the first line of defense for TMJ issues. Failing to treat TMD can have detrimental effects on your oral health or overall health, so we recommend having it checked in our clinic if you experience any symptoms.”
Temporomandibular joint problems have long been associated with obstructive sleep apnea, and Millennium Smiles also specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep breathing problems. Now offering appointments at its Main Road and Lebanon Road clinics, the practice is one of the most advanced in the wider Frisco region.
“From the moment I walked into Millennium Smiles as a new patient, I was greeted warmly,” one client recently stated. “They gave me a tour of the beautiful modern office, which really set the tone for an amazing level of professionalism.”
Understand and treat unexplained facial pain or headaches with advanced TMD therapy at Millennium Smiles.
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