Try Best Chiropractor For Back & Shoulder Pain & Sports Injuries In Waunakee

Nov 28, 2022

Waunakee, Wisconsin’s most trusted chiropractors, Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic (608-849-5550), are constantly updating their expert pain resolution treatment plans and are now aiding individuals with sports injuries.

Try Best Chiropractor For Back & Shoulder Pain & Sports Injuries In Waunakee

Resolve your pain and take care of your body with a chiropractic adjustment session at Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic.

The holistic health and chiropractic clinic has established a fine reputation amongst the Waunakee community for their work helping individuals to manage chronic pain, including back and shoulder pain. Now, they are proud to be working with you if you have experienced a sporting injury that is causing you pain and impacting your flexibility, strength and overall wellness.

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Their expansion into sports injury chiropractic treatments coincides with the rising prevalence of this type of physical complaint. According to NSC Injury Facts, post Covid there has been a sharp rise in sporting injuries, up more than 20%, with 3.2 million Americans being treated for sports injuries in emergency departments last year.

Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic knows that after a more sedentary period, where most organized and informal sports were suspended, you have likely headed back into your favorite physical activity with gusto. However, you don’t necessarily have the same level of overall condition, which can lead to injuries. In particular, to the kind of injuries that can turn into chronic pain or another debilitating physical condition if you leave them untreated.

As with all of their chiropractic treatment plans, if you attend the clinic with a sports injury or other physical complaint, their expert team will begin with their full on-site testing process. This includes their spinal subluxation diagnostics and posture screenings, which help their chiropractors to diagnose the extent of your injury and its interrelationship to any other spinal or muscular issues.

From there, Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic will develop a treatment plan which includes corrective exercises to fix your alignment, improve your mobility and activate the muscles that are most affected by your injury. You’ll appreciate that the clinic also makes use of chiropractic staples like dry needling and uses a combination of the Gonstead, Diversified, Thompson and Toggle Recoil methodologies. Their chiropractors also consider factors like your lifestyle and nutrition in order to develop the most meaningful, holistic treatment plan for you.

Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic was founded by Dr. Nick Hellenbrand and Dr. Sara Rabideaux, two medical doctors and specialist chiropractors who believe greatly in the potential of chiropractic treatments to resolve injuries and improve a person’s quality of life.

A spokesperson for the clinic said, “At Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic, caring for the people within and around the Waunakee community is more than just business - it is our passion. We work with our patients to help achieve optimal health and wellness through chiropractic care.”

Hellenbrand Rabideaux Chiropractic is proud to be the best name in chiropractic care and pain resolution in Waunakee.

Visit to schedule your first appointment and start healing from your injury today.

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