UK Insurance Broker Helps You Find The Most Affordable Private Medical Plans

Aug 14, 2021

People looking for affordable private medical insurance should take a look at the policies offered by London-based Insurance 2000 (44-20-8748-6340).

Worried about health conditions that the NHS won’t cover? This is the solution you need!

Insurance 2000 carries private medical policies that are not available on mainstream comparison engines. You can get affordable coverage that complements the universal healthcare provided by the National Health Service (NHS). 

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With the expanded selection of policies, you have more options for securing your health and finances in the event of sickness. You can also get many value-added services when you sign up, including a free health and lifestyle check.

While the country’s universal healthcare program can handle the vast majority of illnesses, it does not cover certain conditions and medications. This gap can prove financially ruinous as you will have to shoulder medical expenses out of pocket. 

In response to this, Insurance 2000 has partnered with trusted insurers to give you access to A-rated policies at budget-friendly rates. Through these plans, you can obtain specialist treatments that NHS-affiliated doctors and hospitals cannot provide. 

Further details can be found at

Since you have private medical insurance, you no longer need to deal with long waiting lists for consultations and procedures. This is especially advantageous if you have debilitating or critical conditions that need immediate medical attention.

The lower volume of patients in private practices also means that you will get closer and more attentive care. Should you need to be confined, you will be placed in private and well-equipped rooms instead of crowded hospital wards. 

For your convenience, you can inquire about policies by filling out a short form on Insurance 2000’s website. Afterwards, a customer representative will respond with recommended plans and their corresponding premiums.

Insurance 2000 seeks to bridge lapses in the current healthcare system through private medical insurance. Aside from health plans, it also offers life insurance policies. 

A spokesperson says: “Now more than ever, health is of paramount importance. We understand that current healthcare services are not perfect and we give people an affordable way to protect their health.”

Get peace of mind with private medical insurance. Request for a quote today!

Simply visit if you need more information about the insurance broker and its services.

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