Universal Accounting’s program is life changing for students who are looking to understand more about accounting or start their own business.
A mother of four teenage children shared that it seemed like the harder she worked, she didn't get paid more money. She tried so hard for recognition, a raise, a bonus, or just a ‘doing great.’ She couldn't ever find that. Now, she has something that she built herself and has taken her power back. The freedom to create something that's her own.
She said that now she gets to create anything she wants. If she doesn’t want to do taxes, she doesn't have to do taxes. She doesn't have to conform to anybody else's idea of what a business should look like and can do anything she wants. Threre are people behind her that will help her figure it out. She loves it! Freedom is opening up her creative side; she is able to be what she wants to be, create what she wants to create, and serve how she wants to serve. She is so thankful for the hard times that pushed her out of her comfort zone. She is also thankful that she was in a place where she was so unhappy that she had to reach out and pay for some help and called Universal Accounting.
Before, she took courses that did not help her understand what was going on. She could pass the test and knew the answers to the questions, but just never understood why. Universal Accounting helped her understand essentially color accounting - took her back to the basics and started from the beginning. She felt color accounting was an amazing course. She had started that course in tears; she was scared to death. At the beginning of that course, the instructor said that there are so many people who graduate college as CPAs, who don't understand really the concepts of this. That they didn't understand made everything feel a little better for her. She didn't feel like such an isolated island. She said that it was such a relief to have basic knowledge explained.
She also shared she was terrified of marketing. Whenever she thought about it she felt like a salesman that is pushing things on people. She was able to get past that block and just talk to people about what she does. She learned that marketing isn't about buying a product it is how she can help them. Universal Accounting describes it as natural and it's kind of a beautiful thing. They helped her see that.
Her first client was a veterinary who needed financial reports regarding operating expenses. Before Universal Accounting school she felt like a deer in the headlights. Now, she is able to give him the information and he trusts her. As she onboarded different clients, she could see a physical relief when they wrapped up the meeting; they feel lighter. She can now have intellectual conversations about their business.
She thought the yearly conferences were incredible. Every time she went there was different content, amazing speakers, and great takeaways. She left very full of enthusiasm and pumped up. She sometimes got lost in the day-to-day tasks and lost a little of her enthusiasm. She loved the relationships that she was able to start at these conferences and she still stays connected.
She is now making what she wants to make. She is so proud to be able to have taught her kids that they can do anything they want to do and not to let anybody tell them what they can or can’t do. She wishes she would have done this 25 years ago. It has been so life changing. Because of her newfound confidence to start a business it has strengthened her marriage. She also feels she is a better wife and a better mother. She has the strength to be more of who she wants to be.
She stated that it wasn't too long ago that she decided she wanted eight clients before the end of the year. Two months later, she had seven clients and 10 contracts. It just comes so quickly.
She ended with that she is very blessed to have found the Universal Accounting. She is so grateful that when she is explaining to her clients what it is she does, and when they want to know why she is qualified to do it, she is able to say that she can do this. Also, she has an entire team of wonderful people who can answer any question she and it helps her to navigate through those conversations.
Hear her entire experience at https://universalaccounting.com/blog/2021/07/28/from-mom-to-enrolled-agent-w-jenny-beynon/