
UPR Bayamón Textbooks: Download Workbooks & Course Materials At The Best Price

Nov 4, 2024

Are you attending university in the Bayamón area this Spring semester? Secure all your textbooks at reduced cost from University Books (787-764-7770)!

A Growing Problem

Textbooks in general are increasing in price more rapidly than most commodities, rising in price at a 6% annual rate - triple the overall rate of inflation. These costs, coupled with the already-expensive and steadily rising cost of higher education, have made University study less accessible than ever before, especially in Puerto Rico.

To get your textbooks at an affordable price this semester, visit https://www.universitybookspr.com/home

With so many students struggling, many are calling for change. While some grant and assistance programs have been launched to address the problem, it is often still not enough.

If you are struggling to afford education in Puerto Rico, you are likely looking to save money wherever possible, and on that front, University Books can help.

Your One-Stop Book Shop

University Books is partnered with the majority of schools in Puerto Rico, including UPR Bayamón and all other UPR campuses.

They carry all textbooks required for the full course roster at all their partner schools, offering savings that are not available elsewhere.

The texts offered through University Books are offered in online or printed digital download code formats, as well as hard copy depending on the book and limited by supply. Courses which require workbooks have made those materials accessible through the store as well, bundled with the accompanying course texts.

Supporting The Student Community

This service was created to help students in the San Juan and Bayamón areas secure the texts necessary to succeed in their academics without the prohibitive costs that are associated with the most intensive fields of study. By offering primarily digital downloads, the bookseller hopes to permanently reduce textbook costs where possible.

In addition to supporting learning institutions in the Bayamón area, University Books also partners with vocational rehab services. If you are in need of associated learning materials, you can submit a custom request, including the ISBN of all books needed, through the digital storefront to get a quote.

High-Quality Service

Students who have used the service have rated University Books a cumulative 4.5 stars, with most reviewers praising their prompt service and book variety.

One reviewer stated, “Excellent service and good attention, I received all the books I requested and did not have to go to another store to complete my list.”

Get Your Books Today

To find your books for the upcoming semester, you can search the University Books database at the link below by class, university, or ISBN. Their customer service team can also be reached at 787-764-7770.

Find your school or course at https://www.universitybookspr.com/home

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