US Intuitive Marketing Guru Helps You Develop Your Authentic Brand Image

Jun 19, 2021

If you have a business that isn’t gaining the traction and influence you’d like, US marketing expert Gretchen Burgholzer has launched a new online service to help you unlock an authentic and impactful brand identity.

Gretchen Burgholzer understands that the world of marketing, like life, is a popularity contest. If you’ve got a brand with potential but it isn’t currently inspiring the customer loyalty you need, she can help. Let her enrich your brand identity and expand your reach with her pioneering brand of intuitive and mindful marketing.

Go to to find out more.

According to the latest research from Stackla, 86% of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support, with experts suggesting that authenticity will continue to be an even greater governing factor behind consumer decisions in the future.

As such, brand mentor Gretchen Burgholzer wants to help you to develop and communicate a clear, cohesive and most importantly authentic brand image and message.

In particular, Burgholzer focuses on mindful marketing, helping you to find a brand identity that really reflects your true personality and style because she understands that authenticity and genuine connection sells.

Beginning with a free one-on-one consultation, she helps you to identify your dream personal or business brand and then reflect on your brand’s current image among consumers, identifying the gap between the two.

From there she assists you to understand what is uniquely ‘you’ about your business and how that can be advantageous to finding a market position and growing your brand.

Following an ethos that she terms ‘Master Your Ripple’ Burgholzer’s services cover developing a brand vision guided by authenticity, intention and your uniqueness, designing the impact architecture on digital platforms that will communicate this brand vision, finding and optimizing a niche within the market and building brand loyalty amongst customers.

Burgholzer has a range of comprehensive branding and mindful marketing plans on offer with transparent pricing schemes to suit your needs.

Gretchen Burgholzer is a brand mentor and marketing consultant based in Massachusetts who believes that brands can be engaging, compelling and inspiring.

She said about the importance of intuitive branding, “In a world full of noise and chaos, getting lost in the shuffle of personal branding can and does happen. When we develop our brand to reflect our true identity, it resonates just a little louder. It also pays in currencies which extends beyond just cash flow - in the form of attention, respect and accolades."

Burgholzer believes that by identifying the thing that makes you and your brand special you can communicate it meaningfully to your customers.

If you would like to know more about how you can develop and capitalize on your true brand identity visit and see how you can begin resonating with your customer base and generating a greater impact today.

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