
Use IBC As A Tax-Free Alternative To Bank Loans To Fund Your Next Car Purchase

Dec 17, 2023

Do you want to skip the banks when it comes to funding your next car purchase? Want to make sure you are the one in control of your money? Then grab a copy of I Own My Bank’s Infinite Banking Concept eBook!

It doesn’t matter if you’re buying your first car or your tenth, chances are you’ve been comparing the interest fees of various bank loans to cover the purchase. However, what if there was an alternative to getting a bank loan that didn’t involve high-interest repayment?

That’s exactly what I Own My Bank offers with their Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) guide, where the team explains how you can use this strategy by leveraging your whole life insurance policy as a tax-free lending mechanism for your next car purchase.

Visit https://www.iownmybank.com/blog/b/car for more information

In the guide, you will find examples of IBC in action, with complete yearly breakdowns of deposits, payments, and cash values for buying a new car. The guide also presents to you I Own My Bank's ebook offer, titled ‘Drifting Away From Traditional Car Buying: How To Keep Both Your Car And Your Finances In The Fast Lane.’

When it comes to financing a large purchase, many individuals turn to traditional financial institutions. However, as the wealthy elite already knows, thinking outside the box is crucial not only for preserving but also amplifying wealth. As such, in its eBook, the expert reveals how you can use the IBC strategy to buy a car without worrying about the limitations of traditional financing.

As the author explains, Infinite Banking is not a new concept and was originally presented by economist R. Nelson Nash in the ‘90s. By combining IBC strategies with your own ‘Money Multiplier Method,’ you can substantially increase your personal wealth as well as fund large purchases, such as a new car.

The IBC method outlined by ‘I Own My Bank’ encompasses the use of a whole life insurance policy that offers tax-free benefits when taking out a loan against it. The eBook’s practical case studies show this process in action, including how the strategy can be used repeatedly for multiple purchases.

If you want to learn more about the IBC, you can also attend a webinar that goes through the book’s strategies. You can also arrange a consultation with ‘I Own My Bank’ to get additional guidance on using IBC.

A spokesperson says, “We teach you to take control of your own financing. This can help you avoid the high-interest rates and fees associated with traditional car loans and also help you build equity in your vehicle.”

Fund your next car purchase with the Infinite Banking Concept

For more information, visit https://www.iownmybank.com/blog/b/car

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