Does it feel like your prayers are being left on read? Let Vince Baker show you why faith should precede anything else in your Christian life in his groundbreaking book.
Libraries can be built on the topic of faith alone; in fact, no Sunday service is complete without a minister reminding the assembly of its sufficiency in gaining salvation. For author Vince Baker, the issue is never about its sufficiency but the level of faith many modern Christians possess.
Is your faith enough to elicit a response from God? This question is just one of the many that prompted him to write Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith, part of a series of thought-provoking books that re-examine a number of critical topics regarding the Christian faith.
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In his foreword to Faith Secrets, Vince challenges readers to rethink the role of faith in their relationship with God, stressing the futility of any effort without it. "The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God," he writes.
Vince asks readers to recall how often Jesus lauded his followers who showed great faith. Here, he cites several Gospel passages where Christ attributes a person's healing to their faith. "When you read the four Gospels, it is amazing to see how much Jesus was looking for faith and teaching about faith to His disciples. Jesus worked all of His miracles by faith," Vince says.
Despite how the Gospel emphasizes faith, the testimony of many modern Christians points to its absence, which is why in his book, he lays out "faith secrets" that are found in scripture and revealed to him personally throughout his years in ministry.
In Faith Secrets, Vince leaves no stone unturned as he approaches the topic of faith from multiple angles. Entire chapters are dedicated to topics such as the prayer of faith, the levels of faith, and why faith needs to be tested. "Anyone who wants to please the Lord will want to learn as much as they can about faith," he writes.
And if you feel like your prayers are not being answered, Vince also devotes a chapter to "persistent" faith, explaining why it needs to be present in prayer and how you can build toward such a level of faith.
Vince's goal is that by the end of the book, you'll be equipped with teachings that will empower you to "laugh at the impossible" with a renewed and strengthened faith.
Faith Secrets is now available on Amazon in Kindle, hardcover, and paperback formats.
Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with some readers remarking on how it re-examines scripture to reveal lesser-known truths. The statements below were taken from their reviews on Amazon:
"Faith Secrets Book was such a blessing to me. It reveals hidden wisdom and God's promises in the Bible. Vince touches on how we can please God with our childlike faith when we trust the Lord the way He wants us to trust Him and receive His promises."
"This book is bulging with scriptures that will no doubt work a miracle in your life, leading you to a faith that is unshakeable and a walk with God that is closer than you ever thought possible. Buy it, read it... over and over again, then prepare yourself for the miracles that will follow."
For a copy of Faith Secrets or more information, visit