
Watch A New Documentary Featuring Los Angeles Artists In Creative Meetup Spaces

Mar 12, 2021

Watch Pull Up LA, a new documentary that shows how Los Angeles artists have used social media to express their creativity by organizing meetups in surprising places around the city.

Discover how all kinds of artists throughout Los Angeles have harnessed the power of meetups to explore gritty and discarded spaces around the city while participating in art with others.

Pull Up LA, a new documentary by director Owen Korb that was just released online, will introduce you to a fascinating world of creatives who meet up to share their art around Los Angeles. The film features photographers, videographers, makeup artists, and performers who meet in often dangerous and abandoned parts of LA to participate in spontaneous and lively expressions of their creativity.

Go to https://pullupla.com for more information.

The recently released documentary won Best of Festival and Best Director, Documentary at FirstGlance Film Festival Los Angeles and is now available to stream on Tubi. It is Korb's first film.

With most of us spending about five hours on our phones every day, meeting in person often becomes secondary to monitoring and maintaining our social media personas. Pull Up LA documents how artists use meetups to reach out and share their work in ways that can help combat their feelings of isolation and make meaningful connections with other artists.

The meetups have been seen by outsiders as dangerous, with some events being broken up by police after nearly escalating to riots. The film serves to detail the artistic and social purpose the meets serve. It highlights a subculture of artists who use social media as a way to create a real-life community and participate in creating art with creatives who share their passion for pushing the boundaries of what artistic expression can look like.

Filmmaker Owen Korb decided to make the documentary after seeing the meetups being organized on social media. He was curious about the many ways in which people were exploring and sharing their creativity in abandoned, run-down and unexpectedly beautiful spaces where they were not supposed to be.

The 100-minute documentary features interviews with artists about their work and their personal stories. The clips are interspersed with footage from meetups that took place around Los Angeles. Korb used RED, drone, and GoPro cameras as well as still photography to capture the events from unique and visually compelling perspectives.

Pull Up LA is the latest project from Korb, who is also a photographer and animator. He saw the documentary as a way to contribute to the spirit of the meetups with his own form of artistic expression.

“If you happen to drive by a meet and see 200 people out in the street it can look a little intimidating or riot-ish,” said Korb. “Everyone goes to the meet to create something special. In my case, I went to the meet and ended up creating this documentary.”

Don't miss out on this visually stunning and inspiring film about all the creative ways that Los Angeles artists have used meetups to support each other and express their artistic spirits in neglected, unexpected spaces.

You can find out more about Pull Up LA at https://www.amazon.com/Pull-Up-Yancy-Alatorre/dp/B081G8TT4Z?fbclid=IwAR3HbgVLV3NDQR7IA0COVrg7iUb4SHL2j4JxMjvrLUi27LQuEQDk-w009F0

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