
Watch This Skull Carving Artist & Stage Hypnotist In A New Show Coming Soon

Jan 27, 2022

What’s better than a new line-up of Netflix comedy specials, or the 5th sequel to a classic horror flick? This new production about Zane Wylie, the highly inappropriate and hilarious skull carving artist who makes props and collector’s items for some of your favorite films.

Watch This Skull Carving Artist & Stage Hypnotist In A New Show Coming Soon

This new media production about the life of Zane Wylie promises to be a hit with a plot you won't want to miss, about an artist and his crazy career, making realistic replica skulls for movies and collectors. If that's not enough, Wylie is known for his constant and inappropriate humor at home, in public, and when confronted by the police.

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in television productions about artists and creative types, and the interesting things they produce. The newest addition to this style of entertainment may be a show about Zane Wylie, his skull carving business, and his sideline as a comedy stage hypnotist.

Visit https://www.realhumanskull.com/skulldynasty to learn more about Wylie, his beautiful and haunting creations, and his mailing list where you can receive updates about his life and future media productions.

After recent news coverage about a skull stolen from his home workshop, and the hilarious way in which he used the occurrence to teach a young man some valuable life lessons, Zane Wylie received attention from media producers for more than just his skill as a skull carver. What started off as a business carving replica skulls for collectors, movies, and celebrities, may soon turn into a media production based on his life and work.

As a well-known artist in media circles, Zane Wylie has had the chance to work on several large-budget films, and you might have seen his work already in some of your favorite shows. His artwork makes appearances in shows like Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol, the AMC original series Preacher, and the popular show Constantine.

Pieces of his hand-carved collections are owned by serious collectors and media celebrities around the world who are interested in realistic and artistically enhanced skulls. While most of the skulls carved by Wylie are replicas, the artist also carves real human skulls, acquired through various legal means, including relationships with museums and anthropologists.

Working primarily from home, Wylie encounters, or causes, interesting events regularly because of his unusual career choice. When a replica skull was stolen from his workshop recently by a young mischief-maker who mistook the item for a real human skull, the young man thought he was being haunted for his misdeeds.

Not one to let an opportunity go to waste, Wylie fabricated an intricate story about how he received the skull from the City Of The Dead and was similarly cursed. The artist convinced the young man that the only way to reverse the haunting was to perform good deeds to help cancel out his previous thievery.

Those who have met Wylie suggest that any potential show will have lots of material to work with, based on the inappropriate situations the artist causes at every opportunity. Whether those situations are related to his work as a skull carver, a comedy stage hypnotist, or his full-time career writing about these events in stories for his mailing list remains to be seen.

If you're tired of sitcoms packed with one-liners and shows about mailmen, then cross your fingers for this new production about the interesting life of a skull carver and his wife. In it, you're sure to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the business of legally acquiring human skulls and the people who try to convince him to carve their own after they pass.

Visit https://www.realhumanskull.com/skulldynasty and join the mailing list to receive all the hilarious updates on this potential new show, and to see some carved replica skulls so realistic, they may make you think you're being haunted.

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