
What Really Happened to Will Smith at the Oscars, Emotional Scientist© Dr. T Explains

Apr 1, 2022

Being pushed into reactivity can happen when overcome with emotions. But we can condition intentionality instead.

What Really Happened to Will Smith at the Oscars, Emotional Scientist© Dr. T Explains

I'm Dr. Tracy Thomas, the world’s first Emotional Scientist©, renowned psychologist, and best-selling author, here to explain what really happened during the now-infamous moment at the 94th Annual Academy Awards ceremony when Hollywood power player Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock for making a joke about his wife. Essentially, Will Smith was out of his body and clearly saturated with pain. In that moment, he was truly taken over by reactivity.

The incident has continued to send shock waves through Hollywood and the culture at large because it was so out of character for the normally affable Smith, a beloved actor / musician who has been a box-office draw for decades. He had previously been nominated four times, and went on to win for his performance in “King Richard” just a few minutes after the incident. Will Smith was elevated into the Oscar level, and his intentional capacity was not able to handle the extra emotions that came that night. When you’re operating at that echelon, all of the cracks in the emotional foundation get revealed and it’s signaling that a next level of support is needed for him to be his most intentional self in every moment of his life.

However, this event is a valuable transformational catalyst for Smith because it creates the opportunity for the intentional foundation to get healed, strengthened, and rock-solid for everything that comes with being the Oscar-winning, sophisticated, refined gentleman he wants to be. This is an opportunity to rise to the level of a man who is capable of directing his intentions in any situation into something phenomenal.

I've assessed that the reality is, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith have been enduring pain over the loss of control of Jada’s medical condition. As a protector when Will feels powerless to take that pain away from Jada, having someone else add to it and hurt her even more, brought an over the top level of feeling out of control. Although Smith acted out of reaction to protect his wife, you have to be able to transform all of the things that people send your way when you are at the top, and turn them into the most intentional things they can become. People entertain themselves by making fun of very successful people, it’s an attempt to get something out of the person at their expense, and as we have seen with Will Smith, it was at the expense of him being able to manage pain and he ultimately expressed it in the most vulnerable way.

Higher emotional sensitivity and reactivity is something that cuts across all walks of life, but it's especially present in the world’s sensitive creative artists like the Smiths, which is why I created a training program to transform emotional struggles into emotional strength for creativity, prosperity, and overall mastery of the self. This is why I have an entire company devoted to transforming the most intense and potent emotions into high levels of intentionality that allow people to harness and direct themselves into something productive and constructive that always gets them their desired outcomes. To learn more you visit: drtracyinc.com

I specialize in transformations that are customized to those with the greatest potential for success, along with the greatest potential for creating a mess. The power of a person is present and it’s got to be conditioned into intentionality or it can go in reactive directions that aren’t what the person wants. It's those with the highest profiles that need the highest level of intentionality because everyone's watching. There's opportunity to exhibit the elegance of being human and there's also a degree of difficulty as the rewards and success get greater because the person’s capacity to live at that level needs to be optimized. This is why training people, like Will Smith, brings about the greatest transformation of the most people as they are tuning in and seeking to elevate themselves through the inspiration of those living at an iconic level.

The good news, is that every part of a person and their reality can be transformed through intentionality, this is why I'm so passionate about the work done at Dr. Tracy Inc. Imagine becoming your most intentional self, what that produces in every area of your life, and you’ll still have maybe a 5% understanding of what is truly possible. The possibilities through INTENTIONAL TRAINING© are monumental, and this is the recommendation for Will Smith right now, to respond to this catalyzing experience by choosing to become his most intentional self, which is my invitation to Will and those like him who want this type of upleveling.

The Dr. Tracy Inc. team works with influential, high-impact individuals to help them transform their most challenging emotions into their most intentional ones, and step into the life they really want, especially around the intentional capacity for wealth, health, and success.

I specializes in helping leaders stop reacting, lead with intention, and live their most elevated life, to transform emotions into millions, create their most important innovations, and lead a legacy of intentionality that inspires others to do the same. I've been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including the prestigious TED Talk program, Page Six, Men's Health, Women's Health, Shape, Redbook, CBS, Yahoo Finance, Cheddar TV, and many more.

I am CEO and founder of Dr. Tracy Inc., a luxury transformation company that provides custom programs designed specifically for high-level achievers, using her groundbreaking technique The Method© that goes beyond “coping techniques” and surface-level strategies.

You can learn more about me at DrTracyInc.com, where you can book a free consultation for you to become your most intentional self for life.

Much more on how to prime yourself for the top level of success can be found in my best-selling books: The Method, https://www.drtracyinc.com/the-method/, and The Commitments, https://www.drtracyinc.com/the-commitments

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