If you’re in Winnipeg and need overdentures, or you have dentures but they’re in poor condition, book a free consultation at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre (204-589-6329) to learn about digital, 3D-printed overdentures.
Did you know the first dentures ever made can be traced back to 700 BC? Dentures have come an awful long way since the rudimentary science behind those initial restorative options, but now, with the introduction of CAD/CAM and denture implants, you can get dentures and overdentures that look and feel just like your very own teeth.
This is because the 3D method scans your mouth and then mills the teeth for perfect reproduction. When combined with an implant you will get a fit, feel, and function that is stable, secure, and comfortable.
Want to eat a handful of nuts without thinking twice? Then an implant denture or overdenture is your solution!
Book a free consultation at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre in Winnipeg at https://minukdenture.com/denture-2 to find out more!
What is so convenient is that a digital record of the denture is stored on-site, allowing for an exact replica to be quickly fabricated should yours ever become lost or broken. So if your dentures ever crack or are somehow broken, you can get your dentures replaced instantly with this digital option. No more waiting weeks for your teeth! Nobody needs that.
Did you know that as recently as 2012, 20% of adults 65 and over had lost most or all their teeth, either due to aging or oral health issues?
While dentistry continues to make great strides in oral health, many seniors still need dentures or overdentures at some point. If you're looking for a restorative option that's quick, convenient, and won't have you restricting your food choices because of the potential impact on the stability of your dentures, digital implant dentures and overdentures will extinguish every one of your concerns.
Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre offers you the best denture options today's technology has to offer, so you can go out there and live your life to the fullest. Eat a steak! Bite into an apple! Then smile like you mean it because you can.
When you get 3D-designed digital implant overdentures, you're getting a prosthetic that functions and feels just like your own real teeth. And since they fit so much better than traditional dentures, you can cut down on adjustment visits to the denturist.
3D dentures are made with premium materials that are almost indistinguishable from real teeth. The teeth are custom-milled out of materials that are more accurately produced and stronger as well. Because these dentures and overdentures are held in place with implants, there's no adhesive required.
A recent client says, “Thank you for introducing me to the digital denture. I am incredibly impressed by the solid feel in my mouth, and I’m able to eat nuts and steak without my dentures moving around. My old dentures would always slip when I ate foods that are difficult to chew, but my digital dentures are solid, and the next best thing to real teeth.”
Goodbye old-fashioned false teeth, hello 21st century digitally rendered dentures and overdentures that'll bring back your big, bright, beautiful smile.
Is it time you upgraded to 3D-printed implant dentures or overdentures? Learn more at https://minukdenture.com/denture-2