
Worcester, MA: Get A Tailored Holistic Treatment Plan From This Top Practitioner

Mar 19, 2025

If a targeted method for dealing with pain does not work, maybe a holistic approach is what’s needed. Get a holistic treatment plan designed for your unique situation at Poe Holistic Health (508-388-2853).

When dealing with chronic pain or other ailments, physicians almost always prescribe a targeted approach - precise interventions often involving pharmaceuticals or surgical procedures. The other aspects of you as a person tend to be left out. When this method fails, the usual recourse is to try a different treatment or a stronger drug. But what if the way to deal with what ails you is to look within?

No, we're not talking about some mysterious practice, but a holistic approach to treating illnesses that millions of Americans are now growing aware of. Learn more at https://www.poeholistichealth.com/

Growing Awareness

A survey from the Pew Research Center revealed that half of Americans surveyed had tried some form of alternative medicine at one point, with many holding "positive views" of the experience. The National Institute of Cancer also stated on its website that some therapies have undergone testing and were found to be generally safe and effective.

Dr. Kristen Poe - Holistic Health Practitioner, Naprapath, Functional Medicine Consultant, and Founder of Poe Holistic Health - said she and her team are not surprised, as more people are being drawn toward alternative treatment methods due to increasing awareness of their therapeutic value and dissatisfaction with conventional medicine.

"We've observed that many are finding conventional medical providers to be too impersonal, focusing more and more on prescribing drugs that leave many patients dependent and priced out because of the climbing cost of medicine," she says.

"What we offer is a more accessible alternative that does not seek to replace physicians and conventional treatment but acts as a complementary tool to achieving their desired wellness outcomes," she adds.

New England's Center of Holistic Practices

Dr. Poe's New England practice was conceived as a "one-stop shop" of holistic practices, where individuals suffering from chronic pain or illnesses can find an adjunct therapy to use alongside conventional treatments.

One such option is functional health therapy, which considers the whole person and may combine conventional and alternative medicine practices with lifestyle modification to achieve the desired therapeutic outcome.

Homeopathy is another holistic option in Dr. Poe's extensive toolkit. The time-honored therapeutic approach uses the “like treats like” philosophy, employing small, controlled amounts of substances that cause illness to trigger the body’s natural healing response.

Further, if you're dealing with chronic pain, you may be prescribed Naprapathy therapies, which involve hands-on manipulation, stretching, and mobilization techniques to alleviate tissue (fascia), muscle, and joint pain.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Which of the above is best for your specific case? You don't have to worry about that because working with Poe Holistic Health means you'll get a personalized plan that combines the most appropriate therapies.

Schedule a consult with Dr. Poe today and she'll set you on the right path toward lasting relief with a custom treatment plan designed for you.

Get started by visiting https://www.poeholistichealth.com/

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