WordPress website benefits of GDPR. A question website owners are now asking, ‘Is there a way my website can benefit from GDPR’?

Jun 2, 2018

Wheels4WebSites has highlighted the benefits of GDPR for websites complying with the new regulations. This has been mainly overlooked. https://www.wheels4websites.co.uk/website_benefits_gdpr.html

Wheels4WebSites has implemented a new element into its website designs, to include the benefits of GDPR. These are incorporated into 7 key areas of your website to help make it GDPR compliant. This will be of benefit to both new and existing WordPress websites. So far many website owners have focused on the rules and liabilities of GDPR, without realising the benefits to be gained for websites that do comply with GDPR.

To the delight of many, business owners and organisations with WordPress websites can now get the benefits offered by GDPR, taking advantage of the new offering from Wheels4WebSites, as it releases this new GDPR benefits feature.

This update delivers a way for businesses and organisations to benefit from GDPR in a way that will increase trust and confidence in GDPR compliant websites. Wheels4WebSites has been able to do this by adding a privacy centre. This helps to show GDPR compliance is taken seriously for prospects, clients and customers.

Wheels4WebSites is excited to unveil this latest addition to its website design services. It will benefit both existing and new website design clients. This is something that is specifically designed to improve a website visitor’s experience. This will in addition help to fulfil the needs of website owners looking to both comply with and benefit from the new GDPR regulations.

When asked to provide greater insight on the subject, Stephen Wilk, Owner at Wheels4WebSites said:

“Most people ask firstly how their website can comply with the new GDPR regulations. Others go on to ask a much better question, which is, 'How can my website benefit from GDPR’?

I explain that there were a number of commercial benefits envisioned by the regulators. Making your WordPress website compliant with GDPR in several key areas will help to deliver these benefits. People visiting websites will quickly become aware which websites are taking their privacy seriously and which are not, simply by the features they see provided by the website.

Our solution will ensure that website owners will gain that commercial advantage. For prospects and customers, perception is vital. If a website is complying with the new regulations, it sends a very important signal to the website user"

Wheels4WebSites has made a point of listening to its customers and acting on the feedback. Confusion about GDPR, how to make a website compliant and how to benefit from GDPR has been a major concern.

Wheels4WebSites strives to remain on top of current trends, especially legal requirements and particularly in finding ways for clients to benefit and stay ahead of their competition. Stephen Wilk is immensely proud of this value, with the business being operational now since 2010.

Interested parties who would like to get their new or existing WordPress websites GDPR compliant and gain the commercial benefits of GDPR can visit the website at https://www.wheels4websites.co.uk/website_benefits_gdpr.html for full details

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