
Zenny Kravitz, Not Your Typical Artist

Oct 26, 2020

According to Zenny Kravitz, the key is there is no key. “To have a key, you need a lock. You don’t need to unlock on success, because success is always there. You can check him out at https://zennykravitz.com.

Zenny Kravitz has today been recognized for not being the typical artist. Kravitz is taking the initial steps to setting himself up for success in the music industry. He takes time with his craft, and does everything he can to put his music onto platforms. This recognition is, in part, a result of Kravitz's work within the music industry. Specifically, for being original. Kravitz doesn't want his music to be a one-hit-wonder. He focuses on his projects by dedicating his time and effort to each and every song he releases.

Kravitz, a native of New York, has been involved with the music industry since 2012. In high school, Kravitz was recording music as a hobby. It has been a hobby of his since he was 7 years old. He started making music because people used to tell him he sounded like Michael Jackson as a child. He began singing in church, playing the guitar when was 14 years old, and singing acoustic. Eventually, he started playing the piano and developed his skills as an artist. Playing the guitar really initiated his love for music, and allowed him to start his career as a musician. In response to a question on the driving force behind his success, Kravitz has explained how it really boiled down to making music for people who want to hear introspective lyricism beyond the typical songs that are played today. .

Reflecting on the recognition Kravitz is quoted as saying: "It's better to have it and not to need it, than to not to have it, and need it."

In a recent one-to-one interview, Kravitz reminisced on other past achievements, which helped build momentum towards the present day. Notably, one of his proudest was being on Fox News back in 2012 for riding a unicycle on the sidewalk. He used to ride his unicycle to school. One day early in the morning at 7 AM, an officer pulled up and gave him a ticket for riding a unicycle. He then searched up the law and told off the officer for giving him a ticket. The officer was ignorant, and continued to give him the ticket. Later in his journalism class, his teacher at the time thought his story was pretty interesting. Kravitz sent the story to a journalist in the New York Post. The next day, the journalist came to the school and interviewed Kravitz for his unicycle story. After that, he was featured on the front page of the New York Post. After this event, multiple news stations started coming to his house in order to report the event. From this event, he met one of his idols, Paul McCartney.

In the same interview, Kravitz stated his intentions for the future. "The primary goal for the next 12 months," Kravitz states, "will be to put out as many projects as possible. This project will consist of various genres: acoustical, rap, compilation album, beat tape and much more." Looking farther ahead, the aim is to have his brand more expanded and to improve upon his engagement with his audience.

When asked more personally about how he wanted to be perceived and remembered, Kravitz said: "He's a prince of peace."

Kravitz closed the interview by sharing his recommendation for anybody who wanted to follow in his footsteps in some fashion, perhaps taking the achievements even further. According to Zenny Kravitz, the key is there is no key. "To have a key, you need a lock. You don't need to unlock on success, because success is always there. That's something a lot of people don't realize. People define success as money or materialistic assets. These things, are not what make a person successful. People nowadays are putting their value in these items, and basically defeating themselves by making themselves equivalent to materialistic items. This diminishes their self worth. You don't want to confuse self worth with monetary success. There are homeless people with more success than many artists that are published, they just don't have the resources. People are now confusing talent with fancy things like jewelry, when success is always within oneself."

Further information can be found at https://zennykravitz.com/

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